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US journalist Glenn Greenwald, founder and editor of The Intercept

The journalist that risked everything to break the Edward Snowden story, Glenn Greenwald, has just resigned from the United States news outlet The Intercept.

This is astonishing because he founded The Intercept after the challenges of getting Snowden’s message out into the public eye. The sole purpose of The Intercept was to fight for journalistic freedom; but Greenwald committed the biggest sin in journalism: the progressive left-winger wanted to publish a story about the Biden laptop.

Every other journalist and editor in The Intercept moved to suppress it.

Greenwald’s contract stated that he had editorial freedom. He was allowed to publish any story, unedited. The company refused. But more than that, they also demanded that he “refrain from exercising a separate contractual right to publish this article with any other publication.”

This is an extreme level of censorship about a story critical to the outcome of the election. It shows the fundamental moral corruption of the mainstream media. Greenwald has seen the emails and witness testimony. He is smart, critical, analytical, and sceptical. He is not going to be fooled by fake news. There were enough facts to raise serious questions about the conduct of Joe Biden. Greenwald has seen the denials from the Democrats and the disinformation from the left-wing media. He wanted to set the record straight. He wanted the truth to come out.

He has now set up his own website.

“This was not an easy choice: I am voluntarily sacrificing the support of a large institution and guaranteed salary in exchange for nothing other than a belief that there are enough people who believe in the virtues of independent journalism and the need for free discourse who will be willing to support my work by subscribing.”

Sounds a lot like The BFD.

You can read his resignation here.

You can read the article that The Intercept refused to publish here.

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