The Death of the RMA: A Victory for Progress in New Zealand
By grounding the system in property rights, they’re telling Kiwis they can finally use their land without having to beg permission from every busybody with a clipboard.

The NZ Herald’s Board Should Be Fired
The Herald’s bias got me into trouble, since Nats started asking why I hated them so much, writing critiques of them and not Labour. The truth was that the critiques of Labour were rejected.

Christopher Theseus and His Indian Ship of State
If the mast on New Zealand’s ship of state breaks and must be replaced with an Indian mast, how soon before the entire ship becomes an Indian ship?
Winston Speaks the Language of the Right
It is time for National to rethink how it views some domestic issues. Winston is completely on song with his followers. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for National.
The Taxation Enigma
But assuming rationality in human behaviour is always a huge miscalculation in ignoring the reality of our more common irrationality.