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They’re real and your taxes are paying for them. The BFD.

O’Sullivan’s Law states that “any organization or enterprise that is not expressly right-wing will become left-wing over time”.

This is in part because leftists tend to only tolerate other leftists. Multiple surveys have shown that conservatives are twice as likely as ‘liberals’ to tolerate different opinions. So once leftists establish a foothold in an institution, they will only hire other leftists, and bully out non-leftists.

The public service is particularly subject to O’Sullivan’s Law due to the parasitic nature of leftism.

The “any organization or enterprise that is not expressly right-wing will become left-wing” over time result is the Deep Green State.

There is a pattern of conservative governments setting up agencies to deliver policy outcomes but either locking in an inflexible process that cannot be subsequently modified or failing to establish the appropriate machinery from the outset. An example of the latter is the $1 billion Grid Reliability Fund, whereby Energy Minister Taylor sought to divert soft loan subsidy funding of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation [itself established by the Abbott Government] to reliable new (and hence lower emissions) coal generation. But, of the 12 projects recommended for further consideration by the panel he set up, only one was a coal project. And that will eventually be killed.

I recently wrote that green activists are using lawfare to wreck billions of dollars in development. One of the reasons they are so successful is that they have so many sympathetic fellow travelers in public institutions which have been thoroughly white-anted by the Long March left.

The fact is that the bureaucracy appoints its own gatekeepers while ministers pretend to be in charge with portentous speeches. The committee set up to guard public spending through the Emissions Reduction Fund is headed by an environmental activist, ANU’s Professor Andrew Mackintosh (who was recently congratulated by the Environment Department for also being appointed as a reviewer of the Commonwealth’s expansionist Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act). Its other members also comprise environmental activists from within academia and the bureaucracy and are supported by the architects of the infamous National Energy Guarantee, the Climate Change Policy Branch in the Department of the Environment and Energy.

[…]The tentacles of the Deep Green State, however, run deep. Even though the head of the panel is Grant King (previously Origin Energy and AGL), its other members are Susie Smith, CEO of the Australian Industry Greenhouse Network, the aforementioned Prof Andrew Macintosh, head of the Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee, and David Parker, the Clean Energy Regulator.

And so it goes.

Should any conservative government be so heretical as to try and challenge the left-wing hegemony, they can be sure of being viciously attacked by an overwhelmingly left-wing media.

The Deep State even has its own reliable reporters at The Guardian, the ABC, Channel Nine’s left-wing tabloids The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age and News Corp to whom they can selectively leak, demonstrating that they are carrying the flag of deindustrialisation and that no political master can touch them.

As a nation we are throwing out of work a million people from activities that provide consumers with the products and services they want. But the jobs remain of those – inside and outside government – dedicated to undermining the economy’s efficiency.

The Deep Green State is the nomenklatura of cultural Marxism. And they guard their privilege with dedicated zeal.

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