Way back in the 90s, Katie Roiphe was rudely booted out of the feminist sisterhood for having the temerity to point out that Third Wave feminists had more in common with Victorian-era misogynists and that women were perfectly-capable grown adults. A quarter-century later, what has changed? Well, it’s got worse, if anything.
If we are to believe the contemporary feminist narrative, the supposedly “strong modern woman” is really a pathetic, quivering creature forever cowering in terror from the salivating clutches of predatory men. Does this sound like any of the women we actually know? One could be forgiven for wondering if left-wing feminists mistakenly judge all men by the creeps they surround themselves with.
I have worked with numbers of women in senior positions in the workforce. I simply don’t recognise the wilting flowers that men have to pussyfoot around. They have all been as confident in their roles as were men. Of course, there are needy people, men and women. Let’s not put that down to their sex.
As one YouTube video put it, Islamists and feminists “have so very much in common”: men are predators, women are weak and at their mercy. “We share essentially the same ideology,” indeed.
It is discriminatory to put women in the position of being victims, of needing special attention. How demeaning. I wonder whether psychologists and sociologists in the armed services invent and encourage problems which only they can solve. Like arsonists among fire fighters.
This all said, men and women are different. All of us have the right, whatever that means, to walk down dark alleys unmolested. Personally I avoid them and advise women to do the same. However, I go further and echo Angus Campbell. Be especially wary as women of putting yourselves in vulnerable positions, including of getting blotto in social situations. Unfortunately, our rights to be unmolested are not recognised by villains.
If I, as a man, were to go into a biker bar dressed in a sequin g-string and shouting that “All Harley owners are poofters!”, my life expectancy would reasonably be measured in minutes – and few would say that I hadn’t invited trouble. Yet, in my past life as a taxi driver, I would regularly find young women, alone, staggering blind drunk in city streets in the early hours of the morning. Misogynist that I am, I would drive them home free of charge, if necessary. But, heaven help me if I dared suggest that they were taking a foolish risk.
Another well-known difference, of a political kind, between the sexes was covered in an article by Greg Sheridan. He quotes voting figures and sources showing that women are more inclined to support left-wing candidates than men and less inclined to support conservative candidates […]
The thinking, which Sheridan reiterates, is that conservatives have a problem with women. I like to put it the opposite way. Women have the problem. They have a greater tendency than men to support candidates and policies which will make us all, including them, poorer, less secure and less free. And to lay it on, they support parties which are more likely to form alliances with Islamists, which is hardly in the best interests of women.
Quadrant Online
This brings me back to my earlier point: maybe left-wing women are simply judging all men by the creepy left-wing simps they surround themselves with. #NotAllMen are Harvey Weinstein, Ira Einhorn, Sam Kriss, Michael Hafford or Aleksandr Kolpakov, or…well, the list goes on.
There’s a reason that “Reset the Clock” became a meme, after all.
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