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The Democrats Are an Abysmal Failure

The BFD.

The United States President is referred to as the leader of the free world. The country arguably has the most impact of any nation on world affairs. If the US breaks wind, the breeze can be felt all over the planet. The “American dream” remains something people from all over the world aspire to, and for all its problems and failings, the US is still looked up to.

The past three years though have seen a series of quite bizarre aberrations that have significantly tarnished the US reputation.

The hooting and derision piled on “candidate” Trump prior to the 2016 selection and then election was extraordinary. Accompanied by a bizarre series of assertions widely published in the MSM, ranging from the way he breathed during the first debate (with strong implications that he was a druggie because only druggies breathe through their noses like that), to racism, misogyny and various alleged sexual escapades dating back as many years as you’d care to look.

Before he’d even taken the oath of office, Democrats were talking of impeachment. How weird is that? He didn’t hold public office so wasn’t “eligible” for impeachment, but already they had started planning it. How does that work?

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the world at large, the Clinton campaign was up to its ears in a conspiracy of extraordinary proportions to tamper with an election, spy on a candidate and interfere with due process. An underhanded conspiracy involving the FBI, the Secret Service, international spies, a Brit named Steele, the Department of Justice and even the then Director of the FBI. The list of who wasn’t involved looks to be shorter than that of who was. Not to mention the Clinton email server which still hasn’t been addressed or dealt with.

This, of course, led to the three year Mueller Inquiry into Trump’s alleged Russian collusion. Three years of digging for dirt. Three years of arresting people and setting up “perjury traps” into which some actually fell. Three years of pressuring witnesses to no avail. Three years of complete putrefaction of the constitution. Three years which left them with NOTHING.

Still they persevered with a fatally flawed impeachment which had a foregone conclusion, was a complete waste of time and backfired on them in the most spectacular way.

Thanks to the efforts of Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi and Schumer and the entire party, the whole world now looks on the USA and shakes its collective head. Democracy has never been dragged so deeply into the swamp. Pelosi went so far as to call Trump “an impostor”. She then ripped up his State of the Union Speech. How pathetically childish. How unprofessional. How undemocratic.

The BFD.

But that pretty much says it all. That’s who and what they are.

I often wish Trump could be a little less abrasive. I wish he wouldn’t tweet so aggressively. I wish he was more polite and malleable. He does polarise people, but let’s be under no illusion, he’s just what the US needed at this time in its history.

The BFD – US Attorney General Bill Barr – The investigations continue

The shake up is far from over and there are senior heads yet to roll for what they’ve done. I hope AG Barr stays true to principle and pursues them to the ends of the earth for what they’ve put the country through. In November, the Democrats are in for another bitter disappointment when Trump wipes the political floor with them. Nobody deserves it more than this group of irrational, unreasonable, destructive liars and cheats who have made a mockery of principle and the US Constitution.

The BFD. Jon McNaughton’s ‘Crossing the Swamp’ (2018) depicts the president, his wife Melania and daughter Ivanka, the vice president, various cabinet officials and advisers, and several alligators. Courtesy of Jon McNaughton (

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