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President Trump Gets It on Wind

We admire President Trump for understanding our nation’s energy needs and taking a clear stand.

Photo by Mark mc neill / Unsplash

Craig Rucker
Craig Rucker is a co-founder of CFACT and currently serves as its president.

President Trump famously predicted that Americans would “get tired of all the winning.”

This is a big win for America, though we at CFACT don’t expect to tire of winning just yet.

“Windmills are littered across our country like dropping paper, like dropping garbage,” Trump said. “It is the most expensive energy ever. They only work if they get subsidies. The only people who want them are the people getting rich off the subsidies. So we’re going to try and have a policy where no windmills are being built… Off the coast of New Jersey they want to build like 200 windmills and people are going crazy. Nobody wants them… You see what’s happening in the Massachusetts area with the whales. They had two whales wash ashore in a 17-year period and now they had, what, 14 this season. The windmills are driving the whales crazy.”

Yet, wind turbines and solar panels have developed cult status in the climate world.

Indeed, CFACT once erected model wind turbines beside models of the famous “Moai” heads of Easter Island at a UN climate conference in Bonn.  We named the turbines “totems of our times” and mused on future archaeologists wondering why exactly we erected them. Maybe they served a ritual purpose for the cult of the day?

President Trump went on to explain the impossibility of recycling the massive fiberglass turbine blades and the critical need for a reliable electric grid in light of the increasing power demands of the AI revolution.

The climate kleptocrats cashing in on wind and solar will fight tooth and nail to keep their money. Climate pressure groups will claw along beside them to retain their power.

Stopping further environmental destruction from wind and solar and fostering affordable and realistic electricity generation won’t be easy.

We admire President Trump for understanding our nation’s energy needs and taking a clear stand.

CFACT looks forward to providing the new administration and the public with the facts we all need to power our future.

This article was originally published by CFACT.


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