Rodney Hide
Father, ex MP, and talk show host.

I fear that in 20 years time the age of consent will be gone. Middle-aged men will be bragging about sex with pubescent girls, ‘P’ will be added to the LGBTQI+ alphabet and paedophiles will parade their Pride.
It’s the next sexual taboo to fall
It’s difficult to see a defence being mounted. Our traditional institutions such as schools and parliament are the problem. Our churches have given up. Our moral lines have eroded.
Our schools teach underage children how to have sex
The ministry recommended “Navigating the Journey” by Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa curriculum (download their free parent guide overview here) inflicts graphic and detailed sexual content on our children, usually without parental knowledge or consent.
I have covered that here…
Concerned Father Vs School Board – Part 1 of 2Let Kids Be Kids, Penny Marie, and Rodney Hide 19 Feb Read full story
and here…
Concerned Father Vs School Board – THE BOARD SPEECH - Part 2 of 2Let Kids Be Kids, Penny Marie, and Rodney Hide 20 Feb Read full story
But this week I re-read the Navigating the Journey curriculum with an eye on the age of consent. It’s shocking.
Age of consent
I focussed on year 9, which is 13 years old. The message should be: Don’t! It’s against the law.
Instead we get this:
If someone reports under age sex, the police have to investigate it. The police will look into how old both people are, if there was consent, and if anyone was harmed. If there is a big age gap between both people, for example, 14 and 20 years old, the police take it very seriously and are likely to charge the older person. It is the older person’s responsibility to be sure that the other person is at least 16 years old. If one or both people are very young, or there is harm happening, Oranga Tamariki may also get involved. This is to ensure that the young people having sex are safe and protected.
Navigating the Journey, year 9, page 51
The message should be DON’T. But the message reads as a warning: it is only a problem if someone reports it and the police won’t treat it seriously unless there’s a big age gap. And it is only the older person who is in trouble. You will be okay.
That’s the message from our schools. The law can be safely ignored.
Dwell also on the conclusion to the paragraph:
“This is to ensure that the young people having sex are safe and protected.”
Quite what the “this” is referring to, is unclear: the Oranga Tamariki intervention or the entire paragraph including the law and the police?
Either way, the purpose of Oranga Tamariki, the law and the police is not to ensure young people are safe and protected: the purpose is to ensure people under 16 don’t have sex. The law is not to ensure safe sex: its purpose is to protect children.
Further down the page we have this paragraph:
However, sometimes people under 16 still want to have sex, even though they know the law. It is important that both people consent and contraceptives are used carefully to prevent an unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmissible infections (STIs). Young people can legally access sexual health care at any age, including contraceptive and abortion advice, as per the Sterilisation, and Abortion Amendment Act 1990.
Navigating the Journey, year 9, page 51

Remember: This is the Ministry of Education recommended curriculum for 13-year-olds: Here’s the law, but not to worry, use a condom, and you can always have an abortion. That’s what our schools are teaching 13-year-olds. It is unbelievable to me.
Here’s what some of our parents at Let Kids Be Kids say about Navigating the Journey, by Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa…
Let Parents Be Parents. Who are the ‘experts’ of our kids?Let Kids Be Kids, Elisabeth Cave, and Penny Marie 23 December 2024 Read full story
The paedophiles must love our schools.
And libraries.
Wander into your library and take a look at the youth section. The youth section is for 13 years and up. It’s next to the children’s section. I did. I was deeply disturbed.
It has books like Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Precocious 10-year-olds are reading there. On display is a brightly coloured book: Welcome to Sex.
Why Is It Being Normalised To ‘Welcome’ Children To Sex?Let Kids Be Kids 24 September 2024 Read full story
Here’s a starter for 10: What sort of person “welcomes” 13 year olds to sex? Our libraries are doing the paedophiles work for them!

Technically paedophiles are defined as “people attracted to children under 13” but my point is made and paedophile is the word I prefer over “minor attracted”. The term minor attracted is used to disguise pedophilia as just another sexual orientation to add to the long list.
Welcome to Sex is disgustingly graphic. It is on display as a recommended book. It is one of many of that genre in the youth section. Find out more reasons why parents are concerned about this underage sex ‘guide’ here…
The book’s content includes teaching young girls how to bring their lesbian girlfriends to orgasm with explicit detail, graphic pictures and a number of options.
The book is targeted at 11- to 14-year-olds and has won multiple awards such as the 2024 Australian Book Industry Awards Book of the Year for Older Children.
Libraries have drag queens reading to toddlers
The stated purpose of drag queen story hour is to ‘promote literacy, diversity and positive role models for children’.
I see it as sinister. It is sexualising toddlers. It is also likely to be sexually gratifying for the performers. They get a sexual kick out of the performance. After all, that is their kink.
Female strippers don’t do story times for toddlers.
That libraries and councils allow and promote this is unbelievable to me. That mothers take their children along is beyond my comprehension.
I am a free speech absolutist. I support the Free Speech Union 100 per cent. Free Speech Union’s Jonathan Ayling is brilliant and way smarter than me.
But on drag story hour he is wrong. He sees it as a free speech issue. It is not.
A Drag King, A Community Venue, ... A Pathway For Children Into DebaucheryLet Kids Be Kids and Penny Marie 5 Mar Read full story
My free speech absolutism stops at the kids. Why? Because we have a God-given duty to protect them. Not just your own kids but all kids. They need a childhood. They need to grow and mature. They need to be safe and protected.
We succeed as a society by the successful raising of children
In the normal course of events the police and the courts would shut down drag story hour. But that shows how our traditional defences for the protection of children have collapsed.
The police arrest those attempting to protect the children.
Maybe it’s not 20 years. Maybe it’s just 10.
This article was originally published by Let Kids Be Kids.