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Events may yet bring Ardern’s wave crashing down. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Sir Bob Jones

Whether the centralisation of water supply has merit, I cannot comment. However, announcement of the “working committee” to investigate the management of this is yet another nail in the government’s coffin. Why? Because it comprises three Labour mayors and nine Maori “representatives”, Maoris as we know having special talents in this field along with everything else.

Journalists had fun mocking the recent Covid vaccine protesters. I did it myself. But, talk to anyone across the land, and I do frequently, who deal with the public, such as gym owners, shop-keepers, GPs and so on and all report a seething anger at the government’s oppressively dictatorial behaviour. The past 15 months inability of Kiwi’s to come home from abroad despite being vaccinated and happy to do a week at home, the absurdity of the South Island semi-lockdown, the PM’s hogging of television until the tide turned, then hiding out for three months under the radar in Wellington, and much, much more.

But over-riding everything is the racial divide the government has brought about by its relentless promotion of Maori favouritism.

I’ve said it before. I will accommodate all comers on wagers that the government is heading for a landslide defeat in the next election. The mood of the nation is 1983 all over again.

The roots of Jacindamania lay with her hands-on dealing with the Christchurch mosque massacre and thereafter she assumed Second Coming status. It always staggered me in its irrationality, but note this, it’s happened before.

Go back to the 2001 New York twin towers destruction, an event so momentous, both in itself visually, and then the appalling misjudged American reaction costing well over a million lives and we’ve seen Jacindamania before, following an earth-shattering event.

That was almost immediately, the worldwide deification of New York’s mayor Rudi Guiliani.

At the time I was bewildered. Just as with the mosque murder and Jacinda there was not a single thing Giuliani did, or indeed could have done or said, regarding the destruction to justify this adulation but nevertheless it got right out of hand. There were calls in Britain to award him an honorary knight-hood and so on.

Well, look at him now. He’s a ludicrous figure of ridicule, likely facing serious criminal charges and banned from practicing law in New York. In financial desperation, he’s currently prostituting himself offering video endorsements for a fee to all takers, be it for a Hawera plumbing outfit or whatever.

It’s a reality that in times of crisis the public seize on the nation’s leader and deify him or her.

It happened to Churchill with the war yet not long after his government was voted out of office.

Always a good analyst of human behaviour, Churchill knew his hero status was nonsense and once said, “A Liverpool housewife could have done what I did” and he was right.

Religious belief, ludicrous though it is, displays similar characteristics and rests entirely on the emotional need by the masses for the perception of a powerful entity with everything under control.

Cartoon Credit: Tremain

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