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The Epstein Totally-Not-A-Cover-Up Pt 1

There’s no denying that the QAnon crowd are nutty and obnoxious. At the local arm of the recent “Reclaim the Line” protests, a large, loud woman brandished an enourmous placard festooned with gibbering QAnon slogans about “satanic pedofiles” and so on. Every time an official speaker so much as paused for breath, she’d bellow some lunatic nonsense about the Illuminati or whatnot. No wonder people think the Freedom movement are a bunch of loony right-wing nutbags.

The only problem is… she may be a nutter, but is she completely wrong?

I mean, do our elite want us to think they’re all in on a global network of child-molestation and cover-up? Because, from the media, to politicians and law enforcement, they’re sure doing a bang-up job of making it look for all the world like it.

Case in point: Jeffrey Epstein.

Our media could not be less interested in Jeffrey Epstein’s child molestation ring and, with the sole exception of the Palm Beach Police Department, every arm of government has bent over backward to bury the case.

It was amazing, quite frankly, that a jury actually convicted Epstein’s procurer, Ghislaine Maxwell, at all. The prosecution hashed the case almost as badly as the prosecution in the Rittenhouse trial. It’s almost like they wanted the perp to walk. I can’t imagine why.

At the same time, the media only grudgingly reported the case — except where they could use it to bash a member of the Royal family. You could be forgiven for thinking that they’re only hyping the dodgy case against Prince Andrew because it distracts attention from the Hollywood-Washington A-list of Epstein’s alleged clientele.

For instance, did you even know that when the FBI raided Epstein’s New York mansion, they found an entire library of sex tapes, photos and CDs? All carefully filed under “(name of the underage girl) + (name of VIP)”?

And then promptly lost them?

Immediately after Epstein’s arrest at Teterboro Airport in July 2019, the FBI executed a search warrant on his New York mansion. Following a daylong search, agents discovered a hidden safe in the closet of a fifth-floor dressing room, used a saw to break into it, and found an enormous collection of photos of naked girls, and CDs of the girls apparently having sex with influential men.

Then, the agents left — abandoning the photos and CDs, with Epstein’s employees free to wander about the place. As Kelly Maguire, FBI special agent in charge of the search, explained during Maxwell’s trial, they only had a warrant to search the house, but not to remove evidence — evidence at the heart of the entire sex trafficking scheme.

Now, law enforcement experts correct me if I’m wrong, but this know-nothing journalist would have thought the obvious course of action was to lock down the house and guard the safe while the agency rushed off to get a new warrant.

Silly me. They just left. Not even a single agent left to guard likely the most crucial evidence in the whole trial.

Because, hey, if you can’t trust a wealthy paedophile’s entourage, who can you trust?

You’ll never guess what happened next. Let’s play, Are You Smarter Than an FBI Agent?

The CDs and photographs disappeared. By the time the FBI returned with a new warrant — four days later — to remove the CDs and photos, they were gone. Later, after a few phone calls, Epstein’s lawyer, Richard Kahn, “returned” the cache in two suitcases. I had no idea they were important! I was just tidying up!

Were the videos tampered with? Were all of the photos returned? Who knows!

But, even allowing for the Keystone Kops-like failure to secure the scene in the interim — and once again bearing in mind that we’re not the bright and best law enforcement minds like the FBI — I’m sure it’s already occurred to most of us dim bulbs reading about this to wonder why the warrant didn’t specify videos and photos in the first place.

The reason the tapes are kind of important is that it was perfectly clear — certainly by 2019 — that Epstein had no legitimate source of income to fund his Caligula lifestyle, and further, that he was farming out underage girls for sex to the rich and powerful — with hidden cameras running everywhere. It sure looked like his underage sex ring was a blackmail/kompromat operation.

Lest you think that a cover-up was in the works, bear in mind that the whole stuff-up was widely reported in the US media. Except, oh wait… only two US newspapers reported on the vanishing sex tapes. Certainly not the New York Times, the Washington Post, Chicago Tribune or LA Times, the Establishment’s “newspapers of record”.

The totally not-a-cover-up gets weirder and weirder.


What’s notable about Epstein is that beyond “wealthy financier”, nobody really seems to know or care where he got his obviously vast wealth from. Not the IRS, the SEC. That he was piling up riches while assiduously cultivating clients not just at the highest levels of US business, celebrity and politics, and apparently keeping it all on record. Perfect blackmail material, in other words.

Didn’t any of this remotely arouse the interest of the CIA, FBI or Secret Service?

Apparently not.

Nothing to see here.


Face of the Day

Face of the Day

Legend Eddie Low has died. He was educated at the Foundation for the Blind in Auckland. He started his first band when he was 13 and called it the Three Blind Mice.

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