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The Epstein Totally-Not-A-Cover-Up Pt 2

Ground News is a news aggregator with a difference: its mission is to break echo chambers. Ground News examines the sources for major stories and their editorial leaning. From that, it calculates a “Blindspot” feed, indicating whether a particular story is being reported — or ignored — by right or left-leaning sources.

What certain news sources are not reporting is often more revealing than what they do. For instance, the news that Ghislaine Maxwell — billionaire paedophile pimp Jeffrey Epstein’s madam and procurer — will no longer fight to keep secret the names of eight of Epstein’s clients secret is a blind spot for the left media.

Now, why would that be?

After all, it’s not as if the mainstream media has engaged in a protracted cover-up so far… oh, wait.

But the scrupulous indifference of the media to just how many might have been lining up to sample Epstein’s bevy of underage totty is nothing compared to that of high-level law enforcement. The BFD has already (unlike the MSM) reported on how the FBI “lost” Epstein’s scrupulously curated library of blackmail sex tapes.

But the covering-up was in place long before that. The US government has in fact been doing everything it could not to bring Epstein to justice for nearly 20 years.
Barry Krischer was the first prosecutor to let Epstein off for child molestation. The local police presented then-Palm Beach state attorney Krischer with bales of evidence. They had affidavits from dozens of witnesses: girls abused by the pederast, the women who recruited them, the butler who cleaned up sex toys after the “massages,” as well as records of Epstein’s molestation appointments, one delayed because of a victim’s “soccer practice.”

Pretty much everything we know today about Epstein’s sex ring was unearthed by the Palm Beach Police back in 2005 and handed to Krischer on a silver platter.

Five underage girls had given police sworn statements that Epstein had sexually abused them, backed by 17 other witnesses, but when Krischer brought the case to the grand jury, weirdly, he allowed only one of the girls to testify — and then attacked her on the stand!

Because Epstein’s own lawyers had helpfully provided the prosecutor with such dirt as that the girl’s social media included posts about boys and drinking. In fact, most of Krischer’s near-3000 page file on the case consisted of dirt against his victims and against the police investigating him. All courtesy of Epstein’s lawyers.

Aw, isn’t it nice to see the prosecutor and defence attorneys getting on so well?

Yet, despite the prosecutor’s magnificent attempt to sink his own case, the grand jury still convicted Epstein on one charge.

So, Krischer stepped up to the plate again and accepted a plea deal that resulted in five years’ probation — no jail time, no criminal record whatsoever. Years of documented child abuse, and the prosecutor made sure he walked off, scot-free.

Epstein’s protectors then turned on the Palm Beach Police Chief, slandering him mercilessly.

At that point, the enraged Palm Beach chief of police took his evidence to a completely separate law enforcement agency — the federal government, even though these were mostly state crimes. U.S. attorney Alex Acosta proceeded to make a deal with Epstein — with Krischer essentially operating as Epstein’s defense counsel — resulting in a plea only slightly tougher than Krischer’s pat on the head.

According to journalist Vicky Ward, Acosta later defended this sweetheart deal to the Trump transition team, explaining: “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone.”


Even when Epstein was grudgingly arrested again, the U.S. attorney’s office, the totally-not-a-cover-up swung back into action. Brazenly, one of the alleged molesters named by an Epstein accuser, former Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz, openly petitioned then-President Trump to grant Ghislaine Maxwell a preemptive pardon.

Yes, they’re that brazen.

As for Maxwell finally naming names — assuming she doesn’t get off on a mistrial, after (what a coincidence!) a juror sprinted to the media to boast of how he’d probably prejudiced the trial — I doubt many of his elite former clientele will be breaking much of a sweat over it.

Because here’s how I’m predicting it will go down: Maxwell will name a scant handful of handy patsies, the unpopular, the out-of-favour, has-beens, and folk on the wrong side of the left-right divide. Having sacrificed a few scapegoats, the Establishment will drop the whole business into the Memory Hole.

This is exactly what happened in the UK, with “Operation Yewtree”. Out of the entire UK elite, consider who it nicked: a bunch of the long-past-it, “uncool” or safely dead. Meanwhile, high-powered, “cool” slebs, many of whose past shenanigans with groupie lolitas is either an open secret or a matter of their own boasting, remain safely ensconced in their country homes.

But, no, there’s no cover-up.
