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The Folly of Jabbing Your Way to Freedom

NZ Vaxathon. Photoshopped image credit Luke. The BFD.

So you’ve made the ‘right’ decision. You’ve been ‘vaccinated’ for the good of your nation, for the health of your family and loved ones. You’ve dutifully signed up to the active persecution of the new Untermenschen (unvaccinated) and started actively preventing the unvaccinated from associating with you, so you can stay safe.

Congratulations, you’ve fallen for the Government lies and propaganda and are now part of the bullying.

And it won’t work. Because reality trumps propaganda:

People who are fully vaccinated against Covid yet catch the virus are just as infectious to others in their household as infected unvaccinated people, research suggests.    

Households are a key setting for the transmission of Covid infections (pdf), with frequent prolonged daily contact with an infected person linked to an increased risk of catching the virus.  

However, questions have remained – including the true proportion of household contacts who become infected from an initial case, the duration of their infection, and the impact of vaccination on the risk of transmitting the virus and the chance of catching it.  

Now a study has revealed that while vaccination against Covid is crucial to preventing severe disease and death, even fully jabbed individuals catch the virus – and pass it on.  

Writing in the Lancet, researchers from a number of institutions including Imperial College London and the UK Health Security Agency (HSA) report how they analysed data from 204 household contacts of 138 people infected with the Delta variant.    

Of these contacts, who were recruited within five days of their household member showing symptoms and were tested daily for 14 days, 53 went on to become infected, 31 of whom were fully vaccinated and 15 were unvaccinated.  

The results suggest even those who are fully vaccinated have a sizeable risk of becoming infected, with analysis revealing a fully vaccinated contact has a 25% chance of catching the virus from an infected household member while an unvaccinated contact has a 38% chance of becoming infected.

The Guardian

You’ve been had, and you can’t say I didn’t warn you.

The analysis further suggests that whether an infected individual is themselves fully vaccinated or unvaccinated makes little or no difference to how infectious they are to their household contacts.

The team add that the peak level of virus in infected individuals was the same regardless of whether they were jabbed or not, although these levels dropped off more quickly in the vaccinated people, suggesting they cleared the infection sooner.

“This likely explains why [fully vaccinated] breakthrough cases are as infectious to their contacts as [unvaccinated] cases” said Prof Ajit Lalvani, chair of infectious diseases at Imperial College London and an author of the study.    

The team also looked more closely at those who were fully vaccinated.    

“What we found, surprisingly, was that already by three months after receipt of the second vaccine dose, the risk of acquiring infection was higher compared to being more recently vaccinated,” said Lalvani.  

“This suggests that vaccine-induced protection is already waning by about three months post-secondary,” he added.

It was a Sucker’s Trap – and you fell for it.

Meanwhile, the Government is pressing ahead doing exactly the same things everyone else in the world is doing and magically thinking that they will get different results.

The persecution of the unvaccinated is demonstrably unfounded and moreover is morally and ethically suspect.

All those people calling to ban the unvaccinated from travel, airlines, cafes, hairdressers and the like are lulling themselves into a false sense of security.

Delta isn’t just “hunting down the unvaccinated”, it is also hunting down the vaccinated. It’s coming whether you like it or not.

But the Government has successfully turned citizens, families and friends against each other to distract from the real scandal, that their policies and strategies were built on foundations of sand.

Slogans aren’t science, and science is embarrassing the propagandists.

This ends now, the Government has failed. They took all the credit for the wins but they are trying to distract you all from their failings by blaming the unvaccinated. Don’t let them do this.

Enough is enough, this ends when you no longer give them the power to keep doing it.

Do not comply. Defiance must be your catch-cry, not compliance.

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