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The Free Speech Coalition Needs Your Support

The BFD. Free Speech. Cartoon credit: SonovaMin

David Cumin
Free Speech Coalition

On Monday we announced that the Free Speech Coalition intends to appeal the High Court’s decision rejecting our application for judicial review of Regional Facilities Auckland’s de-platforming of two Canadian speakers that ‘Auckland Peace Action’ was going to protest and Phil Goff boasted about cancelling.

Friday afternoon our lawyers filed our ‘Notice of Appeal’ at the Court of Appeal in Wellington.

But this effort is relying on you

We have raised just over half of the $50,000 minimum to make the appeal possible.

This High Court decision sets a dangerous precedent for free speech and provides a blueprint for other public bodies to control public platforms by hiding them under the guise of trusts and CCOs. The High Court basicly said that because the venues weren’t owned directly by the Council, they don’t have to consider freedom of speech or the rights of Aucklanders to hear from who they want to.

Our lawyers and QC say we have good odds of overturning the decision, but we can’t see this appeal through if we can’t get to the $50,000. That’s why we need your support now.

We are relying on your support to overturn this decision and prevent public facilities being politicised and only able to be used by speakers the likes of Phil Goff approve of.

While the case is relying on plenty of volunteer efforts, the fact is legal research and disbursements aren’t cheap. The Council has huge legal teams to resist our efforts, and with the help of the Human Rights Commission (who, incredibly, backed Phil Goff and the Council), this won’t be easy.

With your support, we won’t let the let cry-bullies like Auckland Peace Action and politicians like Phil Goff walk away with your rights.

Thank you for making this effort possible.


Face of the Day

Face of the Day

It’s time for Te Pāti Māori to be judged for their actions, instead of their words. They should come out and tell their supporters they love fossil fuels, lots and lots.

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