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The Freedom Movement in New Zealand Has Truly Begun

protest rain flag NZ Freedom village Parliament rain

Olivia Pierson

From Bluff to Cape Reinga, thousands of freedom loving Kiwis have now met, made friends, laughed, hugged, cried together and exchanged contact details – their kids are now childhood mates, maybe even for life.

A freedom movement has truly begun in this country at last.

Our PM likes to call it an “imported” and “illegal” protest, but the actual term that a Marxist Woke Fascista such as she is trying so hard to avoid is the term “a movement.”

I’ve just spent a week in Freedom Village on parliament grounds in Wellington.  As many have said before me, the unity among people who ordinarily would not mingle together is something extraordinary to experience.

This unity is an organic, living thing, wrought from the shared personal experience of being horrifically abused by a government and media without conscience.  It will not be extinguished.

Sleeping in the back of a small hatchback on a foam mattress is not exactly glamping, but I had it good compared to the gutsy, gentle, young Maori mother parked in front of me sleeping in her car with three small children. I honestly don’t know how she did it, but from dawn to dusk, she was nothing but sweet, patient, vigilant over her babies and happy to be there with people who get her.  After her first night, someone gave her a spare tent or two for more space and comfort, and she was even happier.

My car was parked inside the now blocked-off end of Lambton Quay close to where the bus depot starts near Bowen Street. I was immediately embraced by down-to-earth whanau who looked out for me and kept an eye on my car when I wasn’t there. They offered me friendship, prayers, coffee in the morning, hugs and loads of jokes, teasing me often for my ghastly pronunciation of their native tongue. I loved it.

The protesters are organised – feeding thousands of people three meals per day is not done without high-level competence. The toilets are clean, there’s cold running water at several points, there are both hot and cold showers thrown together in makeshift shelters. There’s security provided by the Maori Wardens and also from protesters who well-understand these needs and are thoughtful, skilful and deadly serious about it, like patriot Brad Flutey from the North. In summary, the whole camp is a micro-city with a strong community spirit sprawled out in front of Parliament’s big, disapproving snout.

Many people camping here have had their hearts broken – and I mean really broken.

Many have lost everything, from their jobs and houses to their marriages and family relationships – even if people haven’t lost everything, they’ve lost a lot and stand to lose even more if this government isn’t humbled soon.

Vaccine mandates have traumatised the people of our country and not a single politician who holds office will come down and talk to these humans whose lives they’ve shredded.

What arrogance! The kind of autocratic arrogance that triggers open revolt and always should.

The media coverage of this event is so deceptive and editorialised that they’ve proven themselves to be nothing but an enemy of the people. They truly are “fake news” and are now despised for very deep reasons; people know that the control of information can do worse damage to a citizenry than guns and bombs.

The camp itself is wonderful and there are all sorts from across every single socio-economic, religious, ethnic, tribal divide in our society, including some undesirables who are a pain in the arse.  Grassroots movements can be messy.

What I noticed was that people around these pests were swift to rein them in lest their negativity or brainlessness or aggression ruin the whole cause.

Many folks have been there since Day 1. They’ve sacrificed the little they have left and weathered cyclones, mocking propaganda from repetitive music to wilful flooding, and all the rest. They reminded me of our early pioneers – eager to get on by their own lights: gritty, un-snobbish, strong-hearted and practical.  We watched them tough it out through a cyclone and government hostilities to ask for just the dignity of being granted the most essential freedom of them all – the right to say what goes into our body as it is written in our laws and rights.

These people are acting like lambs, taking the hits, but they have the hearts of lions.

When some idiot let off a Roman candle that made everybody jump out of their skins, the Maori seniors and his fellow protesters screamed at him, grabbed him and shunted him forward into the hands of police. They don’t want loose cannons like that – it’s not a chaos-loving Black Lives Matter protest inside CHOP or CHAZ or whatever.  This is a protest that takes it as a bloody given that all lives matter, including the un-vaccinated and un-boosted from every sector of New Zealand life.

Our protesters want the police involved as a protective force and are not calling to defund them or anything insane.  They want the police to allow them their right to peaceably assemble for as long as it takes to petition our government for a redress of grievances. Our government has refused.  People are hurt.  People are offended and disgusted. The media only drive a oneway narrative that the protesters are offensive and disgusting instead.

What worries me more than anything is an orchestrated false flag event

That would be a tactic that a government as corrupt as ours would employ in a heartbeat, and perhaps already has in small doses, as the balance of power begins to shift back to the people, where it rightly belongs. The government want violence to be seen to erupt so that they can shut the protest down by overwhelming force.  They could do this so easily with a media as complicit and cowardly as ours.

Police and military plants have infiltrated the protest environment, evidenced by people whom nobody else knows suddenly showing up with high tech ear-pieces in one ear, but dressed like rabble.  They’ve also been recognised by ex-colleagues who are protesting in Wellington because they’ve been mandated out of their police or military personnel jobs.

Remember, there are between 3 to 7-thousand people every day who walk around with cell phones. Very little happens during dramatic moments in a crowd without being recorded by hundreds of witnesses.

Nobody flung shit at the police.  That’s a lie so they could use riot shields (which they did the very next morning). Demand to see the footage.

Nobody squirted cops with an acidic substance.  That’s a lie and the footage taken shows they were actually pepper sprayed by another policeman.

Nobody has physically attacked the police,but the police have used wicked brutality when we line up to protect toilets, cars, tents and temporary territory under extraordinary circumstances.

The car driving recklessly toward the crowd was not one of us and he was quickly carted off by police and has now become somewhat of a mystery.  Theories abound on social media as to his identity.

The man who lit a Roman candle firecracker in the stand-off was handed over to the police by the protesters who did not know him. Was he one of them playing secret squirrels at a corrupt commissioner’s direction?  Possibly, maybe even probably,  and the same goes for the guy driving the car.

Jacinda Ardern, Trevor Mallard, the Police Commissioner and the rest of our corrupt, deceitful leaders are disoriented and nervous at the success of our protest thus far, and hoping like hell we’ll all give up and go home and stay there. (How Jacinda must wish she could suddenly lock us all down again.) They are totally capable of using violence without the bat of an eyelash, as they already have (that they use lies is a given), to undermine the coming together of thousands of Kiwis in peaceable unification against this government’s disgusting vaccine mandates, which I believe most Kiwis do not want.

We are watching Canada descend into totalitarian rule in front of our very eyes and after such a heroic pushback in mid-winter that ignited the entire world in solidarity.  They’ll rise again simply because they are going down fighting as a free people should.

While the British troops were almost hopelessly lost on the beaches of Dunkirk, Winston Churchill said to his Cabinet, “Nations that went down fighting rose again, but those which surrendered tamely were finished.’

We were born into the Free World in a free country called New Zealand and we will die fighting for its continuity for our children and grandchildren.  We are many and we are strong and we are not going to surrender our beautiful country to this unworthy totalitarian fascism within our own corridors of power.

Hold the line!

If you enjoyed this article, please buy my book “Western Values Defended: A Primer”
