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baby in pink shirt lying on white textile
Photo by Daniel Thomas. The BFD.




The reason it is important for us – (you and I, dear reader; the “good guys”) – to keep up the fight for freedom and moral righteousness; to not give up when the forces of evil and wickedness win elections or do something completely revolting, has been demonstrated rather glaringly in the last 24 hours. The long hard slog, often involving setbacks, struggles, and frustrations galore, eventually sees good triumph over evil. Always.

I am referring to the marvellous news the US Supreme Court is about to overturn the Roe v Wade decision, and its ugly sister Planned Parenthood v Casey, before the end of its current session.

Infanticide is the most unspeakably evil of crimes, it really is the definition of wickedness and those who promote or support it are unspeakably wicked people.
baby in pink shirt lying on white textile
Photo by Daniel Thomas. The BFD.

That the law of the land in America will be changed to reflect this warms the heart.

Within social discourse, mostly when being undertaken with those unable to express themselves very well, there is the bizarre habit of them saying “But, but, but….”; this is meant to “explain everything”, apparently. The interlocutor is meant to know what the person means when fumbling around “but, but, but” -ing. An example of this is whenever you suggest that murdering babies is the ultimate in wickedness, and consequently you oppose abortion (and every other way to murder a baby). You are invariably greeted with “but, but, but” (it’s meant to “explain everything”). When one simply asks “so do you support murdering babies?” this “but, but, but-ing” really soars into top gear! (Perhaps this sort of thing sounds familiar?).

The BFD. Source:

Roe v Wade was always the most outrageous load of twaddle imaginable. It created a series of fake “rights” which hitherto not only didn’t exist but had never crossed anybody’s mind. It legitimised what amounts to genocide among the black population in America (the percentage of the US population which is black has been stable for six censuses in a row!).

It breathed life into a sick demented feminazi movement and caused all manner of other divisions within the western world.

Roe v Wade has been the ultimate in cultural Marxism – causing widespread destruction, murder, and, worst of all, mass lunacy as huge numbers of incredibly stupid people trot out glib one-liners like “It’s a woman’s right to choose” which are ignorant and unthinking to a breathtaking degree.

The proof of this is simple: if they had actually “thought” about it they wouldn’t say it, let alone believe it.

So we should savour this victory of good over evil. If we in this country keep fighting the good fight then inevitably victory will be ours too.
