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The Govt Is Funding the Media and Fake Science Brigade

10 banknote on white and green textile
Photo by Thomas Coker

Dr Guy David Hatchard

Guy is an international advocate of food safety and natural medicine. He received his undergraduate degree in Logic and Theoretical Physics from the University of Sussex and his Ph.D. in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield Iowa. He was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. His published work uses the statistical methods of the physical sciences to analyse social data.

It is surprising what tripe you read in the newspapers, and more surprising – the government is funding it. Te Punaha Matatini hosts the government’s Disinformation Project, which is hitting the headlines again. According to Principal Investigator Kate Hannah (MA in history), the government should be allowed to dictate to high street stationer Whitcoulls which magazines it can sell to the public. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t this a bit close to book burning?

Hannah is concerned that the magazine New Dawn has questioned the efficacy of the Covid vaccines (among other things like Atlantis and fake Moon landings). I don’t read New Dawn, but if there is one thing that the public has figured out, it is the lack of efficacy of Covid vaccines. They don’t seem to prevent transmission, hospitalisation or death.

During the last few weeks a number of papers have been published in journals outlining some of the many reasons why this is the case. A paper entitled “Class switch towards non-inflammatory, spike-specific IgG4 antibodies after repeated SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination” reports that, after three mRNA injections, B cells critical to antiviral immune protection switched to an IgG4 function. The immune system switches to an IgG4 function when it decides it wants to tolerate an allergen rather than fight it. Covid, however, is not an allergen: it is a replicating pathogen. Such tolerance explains why boosted people are slowest to clear Covid infections and can become subject to repeat infections. Read Q & A about it here.

Hannah is undeterred by such findings or concerns. Framed by a dramatic black background in a Stuff Newspaper video appended to an article, she explains to the public why we should only follow the government website Unite Against Covid-19. Her reasoning reveals the kind of anti-science New Zealand our government is planning. She advises against reading publications which:

  • Have lots of links and scientific references (like most science journals)
  • Come from a variety of sources from all over the world

Incredibly Hannah says even referenced data from the WHO and CDC should be treated with suspicion here in New Zealand. Instead, ask the government or talk to your GP. The government doesn’t just fund one link to information. Go to for example where in a mixture of Maori and English 16-year-olds are urged to get a booster if they want to enjoy summer and everyone is advised to cease worrying if they get reinfected after taking Paxlovid.

In contrast, the Danish government advises the under-50s to avoid mRNA injections. Current research shows the risk of mRNA vaccine-induced myocarditis exceeds the risks of Covid-19 infection, but as Hannah says: avoid overseas information. She feels this would constitute cherry picking (only citing findings favourable to your viewpoint).

The standard scientific way around cherry picking is to review all the available published articles on a topic. A paper published 28th December 2022 in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation entitled COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis in young males: A systematic review does just this. It concludes conservatively:

“..males younger than 40 receiving a second dose of an mRNA vaccine are at greatest risk [of myocarditis]”.

The paper also shows how some researchers hid the risks of myocarditis by averaging the data of 20-year-old males with 80-year-old women – a form of medical fraud motivated by pro-vaccine myopia and big pharma funding.

In another example, government website Unite Against Covid-19 advises:

“You can get the Pfizer vaccine at any stage of your pregnancy.”

If you steer away from the narrow boundaries of Kate Hannah, government websites and The Disinformation Project, you might come across this journal paper published 30th December 2022:

COVID-19 Vaccines: The Impact on Pregnancy Outcomes and Menstrual Function” reports COVID-19 vaccines, when compared to the influenza vaccines, are associated with a significant increase in Adverse Events including:

  • menstrual abnormalities
  • miscarriage
  • fetal chromosomal abnormalities
  • fetal malformation
  • fetal cystic hygroma
  • fetal cardiac disorders
  • fetal arrhythmias
  • fetal cardiac arrest
  • fetal vascular malperfusion
  • fetal growth abnormalities
  • fetal abnormal surveillance
  • fetal placental thrombosis
  • low amniotic fluid
  • preeclampsia
  • premature delivery
  • preterm premature rupture of membrane
  • fetal death/stillbirth
  • and premature baby death

(all p values were much smaller than 0.05). The paper concluded:

“When normalized by time-available, doses-given or persons-received, all Covid-19 vaccine adverse events far exceed the safety signal on all recognized thresholds… A worldwide moratorium on the use of Covid-19 vaccines in pregnancy is advised.

Curiously, Kate Hannah (MA in History), as well as rejecting out-of-hand the scientific references cited by those asking questions about mRNA vaccine safety, is not offering any references of her own, nor do experts like Michael Baker in their public pronouncements. Content to pontificate that their unseen references are better than yours, but [they] don’t have to show you [theirs] because you are not worthy of seeing them (possibly because they don’t stand up to scrutiny, you might infer)… A sort of school playground spat where you had better watch out because my father is bigger than yours.

Hannah applies some truly wonderful logic to her case. An article reporting the concerns of frontline hospital workers in the USA is dismissed because the author is not specifically qualified to write about frontline health workers. Can you get such a qualification? Presumably, Hannah has sufficient qualifications (an MA in history) to tell everybody what to do. As such, she appears to fit right into the current Labour government mould.

Probably you, like me, are tempted to laugh at Kate Hannah [and her] depiction of proto-terrorists as fair-haired people who wear braids, grow vegetables, knit and eschew Covid vaccines. So why is the government funding Kate Hannah (MA in History) to tell us what to think about Covid when we could be relying on published research in reputable scientific journals?

They are desperate. There is an election coming up. They are engaged in a last ditch stand to rally their remaining supporters around the fading and tattered mRNA banner that Ardern unfurled with trumpets and mandates back in 2021. They are ignoring the accumulating safety signals and throwing money at anyone who will stick with their failed Covid policies and experimental injections. Given the risks of serious injury and death, which increase with each successive vaccination, it is a kamikaze approach. Send your most fanatical followers to the front line, knowing they are risking all for a lost cause.

Don’t stop asking questions. If you have studied history (like Kate Hannah), you should be aware that whenever governments become your sole source of truth, things can go horribly wrong.


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