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The faces of leftist hate in Australia: Greens MP David Shoebridge with staffer Xioaran Shi. The BFD.

In news that should surprise absolutely no-one, it turns out that some of the Red Guards embarking on a wave of tantrum-throwing vandalism are employed by none other than Australia’s very own Stalinist party.

The NSW goverment is considering tougher penalties for people who deface statues after two women — including a part-time employee of NSW Greens MP David Shoebridge — allegedly sprayed graffiti on a statue of Captain James Cook in Sydney[…]

Xiaoran Shi, 28, faced Parramatta Bail Court on Sunday alongside her friend Charmaine Morrison-Mills, 27, after the pair allegedly defaced the statue in Hyde Park in the Sydney CBD at about 4am on Sunday[…]

Ms Shi is a member of the NSW Young Greens and is employed part-time by Mr Shoebridge’s office.

The Greens sure do pick ‘em.

Sexual harassers (allegedly). Paedophiles (allegedly!). Drug abusers, shoplifters, boasting about date rape, advocating bestiality and necrophilia, anti-Semitism…the list of Greens scandals rolls on.

As usual, though, the Greens are dealing with the latest scandal in their midst by handwaving it away and hoping the media will lose interest.

“I understand that one of the two people charged regarding the incident involving the statue in Hyde Park has part-time employment with my office,” Mr Shoebridge said in a statement.

Mr Shoebridge said Ms Shi, who is also a former editor of Sydney University newspaper Honi Soit, was not working at the time of the incident, which occurred “well outside of work hours”.

“I will not be making any further comment on the matter as it is currently before the courts,” he said.

Well, how convenient.

It should also be noted that Honi Soit has gained notoriety for, among other things, praising terrorists who murder Jews on its front page. Just one in a string of anti-Semitic incidents at the University of Sydney.

That’s the Greens for you. These people do not have Australia’s interests at heart.

The faces of leftist hate in Australia: Greens MP David Shoebridge with staffer Xioaran Shi. The BFD.

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