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The Hilarious Sound of Frantic Backpedalling

“Zionist” is just code for “Jews”. The BFD.

As I’ve been reporting, Jewish Hollywood is noticing, too late, that they’ve created a golem that’s running amok and coming for them. 50 years ago Norman Podhoretz had the bad manners to notice that a great many blacks in his neighbourhood were bullying thugs who brutally oppressed Jewish kids like him. Now, the bastion of Jewish liberal-dom, the Anti-Defamation League, is belatedly realising that, when you fan the flames of a race-war, the finer distinction’s of who’s-on-whose-side get lost in the whirlwind of colour-defined hate.

The ADL tried to ride the wave of CRT woke-dom by redefining racism away from its plain English meaning. It’s not racism if it targets whites! Except — surprise, surprise! — the foot-soldiers of race-hate aren’t about to notice the difference between a Goyim and a Red Sea Pedestrian. We’re all just “two groups of white people”, and the flames of race-war burn us both just as hot.

Queue the ADL spinning on a dime.

Racism is now defined by the group as occurring “when individuals or institutions show more favorable evaluation or treatment of an individual or group based on race or ethnicity,” according to Professor Robert Livingston of the Center for Public Leadership at Harvard University.

To which those of us unburdened by woke-ism might be inclined to chorus, Well, no fucking shit, Sherlock!

Those of us who stuck doggedly to the standard English definition of racism — Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior — long recognised that it was, in fact, as entirely possible for noble “People of Colour” to be racist shitheads as any whip-crackin’ honky.

Denying that brutal truth is only ever going to end up green-lighting racism by whomever you exempt from plain English.

Sometime between late July and early August of 2020, the ADL redefined racism as the “marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people” […]

Before the 2020 change, the ADL defined racism as “the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another, that a person’s social and moral traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics.”

Gee, what happened in 2020?

The veneration of a drugged-up career criminal as supposedly the patron saint of the “oppressed”.

“A few years ago, ADL updated our definition to reflect that racism in the United States manifests in broader and systemic ways and to explicitly acknowledge the targeting of people of color — among many others — by the white supremacist extremism we have tracked for decades,” ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in a Wednesday statement announcing the change.

Then the schvartzes got uppity and came for him.

Greenblatt said that when he re-read the definition this past week he realized it didn’t speak to his own family’s experience with racism as Jews from the Middle East.

The Daily Caller

Well, newsflash, Johnny-boy: arguing that any particular group of people have inherent and prejudicial characteristics because of their skin colour is… now, think hard: what? Starts with “r”. C’mon, you can say it: “R…rrr…raayyyy…”
