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Kris Faafoi

Sir Bob Jones

Cabinet minister Kris Faafoi surprised when he announced earlier this year that he was pulling stumps on politics after 12 years. Then 3 months later he announced he would form his own consultancy firm.

The pompous reaction from journalists, editorial writers and opposition politicians was uniformly pretentious nonsense.

The general tenor was it was inappropriate as Faafoi, by dint of his cabinet role, allegedly had sensitive knowledge that could give an unfair advantage to a potential client. The clamour was for an unspecified “cooling off” period. All of this was world-class cock.

Every day MPs, including Cabinet ministers and list MPs which Faafoi was, are consulted by many hundreds of constituents over problems. So too businesses, as they’re entitled to. In their case all the alleged “inside knowledge” can provide is either advice not to waste time pursuing a goal and explain why, or alternatively, suggest a more efficient way to achieve their legitimate objective.

I had a problem a few months back with a red tape situation blocking a legitimate pursuit. I spoke to a Cabinet minister mate who took it up with the relevant Minister. He looked into it and quickly cleared the blockage. This is what our politicians do every day for their constituents, indeed most advertise in their local newspaper their availability for consulting to deal with any problems. Saturday morning consulting “surgeries”, are a convention for all MPs, even including the Prime Minister.

So good luck to Kris Faafoi in his new endeavour, which unlike his political years, will enable him to go home at night and live a normal family life, his expressed legitimate reason for quitting politics.

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