Evil forces are at work and have been for decades. These forces are largely led by the political left. They take the form of so-called progressive policies that are aimed at destroying society as we know it. Their aim is to cause divisiveness and unrest among the population at large. The left want to remove the ‘norm’ from society. They want to create chaos to the point where they can easily take control. This is the global agenda of the left. It is being driven from the United Nations and all left-wing governments are promoting it.
The ultimate goal is a one-world government controlled by the elites on the left. Everyone will be levelled economically except them. It is happening to a degree now. Those in the European Union who make up the European Commission are doing very nicely thank you. They decide the rules by which member countries should live. If you don’t follow the rules, you are penalised financially. The Jacksons and Tamiheres of this world are behaving in a similar manner – they are looking after themselves largely at the expense of their people.
These types are all about being in charge and setting the rules in a way that benefits them and everyone else will be subservient to them. This is the modus operandi of the left and woe betide anyone who stands in their way. This is most apparent in America culminating in the assassination attempt on Donald J Trump. Whether you like the man or not is not the point. The point is this: he stands for everything that is normal in society. That encompasses matters of family, gender, law and order, world peace, freedom of speech, a standard education, racial harmony and personal prosperity.
The left oppose all of that, as evidenced by our own last Labour Government. If the makeup of society is normal then it makes control very difficult if not impossible. It allows people to be able to think for themselves, to better themselves and make decisions that are at odds with leftist aims. In America Donald Trump is the ultimate threat and has become the target of the left. He must be defeated by means fair or foul. In 2020 they managed to rig the election and anyone who doesn’t believe that is naïve and is in denial of the left’s vision of forever holding on to power.
In Trump’s case they have tried various methods to silence him. First they weaponised the Deep State against him. This involved the Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA and the IRS. The heads of these organisations, along with state attorneys, have worked diligently to prevent this man from standing for the presidency. It reached the point where reputable whistleblowers testified before Congress as to what in fact was going on in their departments. In New York, the State Attorney changed a law so he could invoke charges to hopefully put Trump in prison.
In New York, being a heavily Democrat-leaning state, they got a left-leaning judge and jury and won convictions – 34 in total. A subsequent decision by the Supreme Court has somewhat muddied the waters for the Democrats. The judge has had to delay sentencing while he considers the implications of the Supreme Court’s decision. The attempted assassination will have given him further reason for thought. So far their vile efforts have come to nought. More trumped-up court cases are pending. One has just been thrown out on the basis it was wrongly brought. The rest need to be.
I’m not saying the Democrats had any direct involvement in what happened last weekend, but it is hard not to have suspicions when it comes to the agencies involved that have been working for Biden in a very partisan manner ever since Trump announced his candidacy for president. Had he not done so, he would not have spent a single day in court. The head of the Secret Service is a woman who, on being appointed, said that diversity and inclusivity were her priorities. We all know whose side she is on.
The shooting the Democrats are involved in concerns themselves. They are shooting themselves in the foot; every time they try unsuccessfully to ‘get’ Trump, his popularity increases. The head-to-head numbers might look close but the electoral college votes show Trump on course for a landslide win. That was before the event of the weekend. Most pollsters expect his numbers to increase further. States such as New York are now in play.
There are lessons for the left worldwide and for their supportive friends in the media. People don’t like divisive rhetoric and racist policies. This type of agenda proposed by the left and promoted by the mainstream media serves only to damage themselves. It is not popular with the majority of the population and, in America at least, they have to resort to other means to hold onto power. It is their only option. Left-supporting television channels are haemorrhaging viewers globally. They might like to ask themselves why.
A friend was kind enough to send me an article written by Gavin Ashenden from the Catholic Herald UK, dated 15 July. It concerns the attempted assassination of Trump. I am one who believes religion should not involve itself with politics, but this article is well worth a read. Gavin says we should not underestimate the impact of an assassin’s bullet. The consequences that might have flowed from the murder of Donald Trump are unimaginable. America would have changed overnight. Civil unrest could easily have been ignited and spilled over to the rest of the world. He’s not wrong.
Gavin points out that, disastrously, in terms of the optics right now, both Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi – who are nominally Catholic – have led the way for the Democratic Party in turning up the rhetorical and ad hominem heat against their opponent. He says it is not a partisan political point to observe that the inflammatory rhetoric from the Democratic establishment against Trump has been relentless. The public accusations have ratcheted up to Trump to ‘literally being a reincarnation of Hitler and planning a dictatorial coup to end democracy’.
A day later and David Farrar on Kiwiblog headlines an article “Time for Labour and Greens to take a stand against violent rhetoric from TPM”. I had written the same re the Maori Party before I saw his piece. David writes that, the same weekend as the Trump event, Debbie Ngawera-Packer on Q+A said: “We’ve got a government that is genocidal, ecocide, we know they are white supremacists.” This woman deliberately attempts to incite violence through racist dialogue.
If she keeps on talking in that dangerous and inflammatory tone then the current Government has already won the next election. Cooperation and consultation with other parties in government to improve her people’s lot would produce a much better outcome. But that would ruin the object of her strategy. Just like Hamas, who are not interested in their people, the Maori Party also has its own agenda. That is to divide through trying to push through racist policies that do not resonate with the wider public, including most of their own people.
Donald Trump is now predicted to win in a bigger landslide than before the weekend attempt on his life. Debbie Ngawera-Packer, in her what seems to be pathological behaviour, is inviting exactly the same outcome in 2026. Chloe Swarbrick and the Greens need to stop their ‘river to the sea’ nonsense. If the left and their media friends want to gain power they need a definite change of direction. Racist and or violent rhetoric have no place in a democracy. Instead of accusing their opponents of being undemocratic the left need to find the nearest mirror.
Donald Trump has won November’s election and the biggest contributors are the Democrats and the left-wing media. What a ship of fools. Here at home whomever was responsible for the recent grounding of the Awatere has nothing on the Maori Party and their friends. They are putting themselves well and truly on the rocks. Don’t expect Labour or the Greens to stop them. They should, though, because, the way things stand under MMP, if the Maori waka goes down then Labour and the Greens will go down with it. Up the creek without a paddle! Couldn’t happen to nicer people!