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The Left Are Jew-Haters, Through and Through

Anti-Semitism is the Big Idea on Campus these days. The BFD.

As I wrote recently for Insight, only a fool would deny that there is a lingering anti-Semitism problem on the extreme fringe of the right. That’s something the centre-right must confront if it’s to provide a safe space for Jews fleeing the left.

And they are — because what’s even more undeniable is that anti-Semitism is now mainstream on the left.

Left-wing anti-Semitism isn’t lurking in the shadows of the left — it’s right out there, loud and proud and marching in the streets, chanting Hamas’ genocidal battle cry. It’s in our parliaments, thanks to the revolting Greens and gutless Labor. It almost slithered into Downing St when the odious Jeremy Corbyn contested a general election as Labor leader.

Anti-Semitism has also subsumed the left media.

Guardian Australia editor-in-chief Lenore Taylor has told her journalists that she is concerned the signing of an anti-Israel letter by 24 of the left-wing publication’s staff could raise questions about the impartiality of their reporting.

And spare me the “anti-Israel, not anti-Semitic” bullshit. It’s a blatant lie, cobbled up by lefties who haven’t even got the guts to come clean. As George Orwell noted, “above a certain intellectual level people are ashamed of being antisemitic”, so they make careful, but unconvincing distinctions. In Orwell’s time, it was “disliking Jews, not anti-Semitic”; today it’s “disliking Israel, not anti-Semitic”.

Neither threadbare excuse is any more convincing than the other.

And so, anti-Semitism — call it for what it is — is absolutely mainstream for the mainstream media. No less than the journalists’ union, the MEAA, has circulated a pro-Hamas “open letter”. Hundreds of journalists have flocked to sign on.

The journalist union’s letter ­demands that Australian media treat the information from the democratically elected government of Israel the same as Hamas, an internationally recognised and condemned terror group.

At least some senior editors have the guts to stand up to the anti-Semites in their newsrooms.

Nine newspapers have banned staff who have signed the petition from assisting on future coverage.

Others, though, lack the basic decency and courage to draw a firm line against media anti-Semitism.

ABC news director Justin Stevens issued a warning to staff last week that supporting the ­campaign could mean their impartiality and credibility, and that of the national broadcaster, might be questioned.

Taylor is similarly wishy-washy, wringing her hands over “perceptions” about their reporting. Her employees, on the other hand, leave their anti-Semitic bias in no doubt.

While they mentioned Israel’s alleged war crimes and illegal occupations and demanded journalists provide “historical context”, they did not mention that Hamas was designated a terrorist organisation by many governments, including our own.

Neither did they mention that Hamas was an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, nor the sinister role of Iran in using these groups for its own strategic purposes. The effect of their morally confused letter is to excuse terrorists who beheaded babies, murdered families and kidnapped civilians. This is not journalism. But at least almost 300 journalists have outed themselves as political activists first, journalists second.

The Australian

Not even second. They’re anti-Semites first, and political activists second… journalism doesn’t even come into it.

And no show of hateful lefty groupthink is complete without the moronic luvvies chiming in.

The Sydney Theatre Company has apologised after a group of actors hijacked the opening night of its flagship production with an onstage pro-Palestine protest, as the nation’s leading arts philanthropists warned the performers risk marginalising the Jewish community.

Oh, please. Drop the “pro-Palestine” horse-shit. We know what it is: pro-Hamas.

The three actors – led by Hollywood star Hugo Weaving’s son Harry Greenwood – donned Palestinian scarfs during the encore of The Seagull on Saturday night and later promoted their protest online as a condemnation of the “occupation” and “genocide” of Gaza.

The Chekhov classic has been adapted by ex-Sydney Theatre company creative director and playwright Andrew Upton – his wife is dual Oscar-winner Cate Blanchett, who was one of the first global celebrities to call for a ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza war.

Yet again, we’re given a nasty reminder of Anthony Hopkins’ confession:

“Actors are pretty stupid”

Anthony Hopkins.

It’s long past time to give these luvvie cretins a sharp reminder that Jewish Australians are prominent patrons of the arts.

Executive Council of Australian Jewry president Jillian Segal – one of the nation’s most prominent company directors and philanthropists – said […] “There are many members of the Jewish community, and indeed other ethnic and faith communities, that are proud patrons of the STC and the arts broadly,” she said […]

NSW MP John Ruddick had called for a boycott of the company until it had issued an apology for “platforming ignorant and blatant anti-Semitism”.

“Their onstage protest casually ignored the innocent victims of the 7 October attack and the ongoing plight of the hostages,” the upper house Libertarian Party MP said.

“The STC has sided with the side that wants to push Israelis ‘into the sea’ – they are contemporary advocates of the worst episodes in human history.”

The Australian

Jewish STC board member Judith Hausmann has resigned. More should follow. They should also put the word out to the well-established, prominent Jewish establishment in Hollywood.

Nothing sharpens an idiot actor’s mind like the sight of money being snatched from their pampered hands.


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