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The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Opening the Canvas magazine, as is my wont on a Saturday morning, I was initially disappointed to see Sarah Daniell’s smiling face missing from her editor’s article on page three. I find a smiling face something of a tonic going into the weekend. Especially this weekend, as in the coming week I have the dentist on Tuesday, bloods on Wednesday and an appointment with the rheumatologist on Thursday. The moral of this story is: don’t get old!

The next page, four, did nothing to brighten my spirits as Diana Witchel had put pen to paper with an article headed The Trump Show Goes On. And On… The article was accompanied by a view of the back of his head featuring a cap with ‘Trump’ on it. I therefore knew what to expect before reading the piece. I wasn’t disappointed. It was three columns of negative vitriol about a man she can only see, or only wants to see, one side of.

I am the first to admit none of us are perfect, least of all Donald J Trump. However, for all of our foibles and failures most of us also have some pluses worth mentioning. Not according to Diana who obviously has what I will describe as a ‘woke hatred’ of Trump. Nowadays, this is an inherent problem with journalists who are on the left of the political spectrum. There is an abject failure on behalf of these people to write with any sort of objectivity. It’s unfortunate these types make up the majority of their profession and so left-wing bias in the media is dominant.

Here are a number of media outlets Diana mentions in her article, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and the Guardian. The real question is – what do all these platforms have in common? You’re right, they are all left wing. What that means is Diana is only getting one side of the story. I might remind Diana of the old American idiom: ‘There are two sides to every story’. Without wishing to appear to educate someone who is no doubt highly regarded in left-wing journalistic circles, that idiom means it is always worth listening to or trying to understand both opposing perspectives of a situation.

In Diana’s article, her failure to carry out this basic duty and publish an objective article was very evident. A lot of what she wrote about Trump was factually correct. She did peddle one obvious lie when she noted his part in the January 6 insurrection. Diana is no doubt holding him accountable for those hooligans, who weren’t his supporters, taking advantage of a ‘big day out’. The truth of the matter is Trump’s part was to tell people at the conclusion of his rally to march peacefully to the building. There was a failure, deliberate in my opinion, by Nancy Pelosi to have enough Police and Security on hand to stop what eventuated.

Donald Trump did a number of good things during his term. He strengthened the economy including exporting oil, he got the border under control, he was strong on law and order, he was anti woke and was against any introduction of a number of woke changes to the school curriculum. I am of the opinion that had Trump won the last election there would have been no war in Ukraine. Trump made it very clear to Putin what the consequences of such a move would be. He was not a warmonger and was in the process of bringing troops home from places like Afghanistan.

None of the above appeared in Diana’s article. Trump, in her view, is something akin to a sexually deviant sleaze bag who organises riots. It is worth noting that all the media she mentions have pretty appalling ratings, with CNN and MSNBC probably the worst. She mentions the CNN Town Hall meeting and can’t understand why CNN would have deigned to have him on. Following the event CNN themselves went into meltdown because, much to their surprise (ignorance), Trump was continually cheered and received a standing ovation at the end.

Here’s the thing. Diana is of the opinion that CNN shouldn’t have had Trump on. Mind you, they probably won’t again, but isn’t that objective journalism? It is respecting that old two sides to every story idiom. Unfortunately this is something those on the left just can’t handle. If you dare to disagree with them then you must be wrong. Most left-wing media are a failure in terms of audience, Today FM being a good example. The media overall are propped up by this Government’s Public Interest Journalism Fund, the money from which comes with strings attached. National and ACT must stop it.

I wonder if Diana is aware of Biden’s corruption and the continuing investigations that would not have happened had the Republicans not taken control of the House. I suspect not, as the left-wing media outlets are choosing to ignore them. If she were aware, I would expect a similarly negative article about Sleepy Joe. I won’t hold my breath.
