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The Left Have the World on the Brink

Is this the world we want? Is it the world we want for our children and grandchildren? The answer is a very definite no: it is not.

Photo by Sam Battaglieri / Unsplash


It is time for everyone to sit up and take notice. There are evil forces at work virtually everywhere. These forces, in most cases, are orchestrated by, or involve, the elite of the political left. The reasons for their strategies are numerous and all contribute to their ultimate aim: to give them complete control over us and our lives. They are doing this by putting people in places and organisations that can facilitate their intentions. They know the only beneficiaries of this tyrannical behaviour are themselves.

The people I am talking about are not from the moderate left (they are fast becoming a minority in left-wing politics), but from the far left. These people do not believe in democracy, which is the very thing that is standing in their way. In order to achieve their aims these people want to breakdown, disrupt and cause as much mayhem in society as possible. They do not want society to function on the principles as we understand them.

They see the way to facilitate this is to support causes and groups that are seen by the majority of people in society as ‘not normal’ or can cause conflict. This is happening now and has been for decades: it is a means to divide and conquer. The matters they have decided to prioritise are environmental, religious, gender, free speech, conformity, political, racial, parental rights, open borders, justice and freedom. These elements have the potential to cause fear, division, violence, and disruption – all contributing to the deconstruction of society.

Organisations involved include the United Nations (what a misnomer that is) and its arms such as the World Health Organisation, World Economic Forum and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Also involved are the European Union, International Monetary Fund and Greenpeace, to name but a few. These are organisations who, through their own sphere of influence, make recommendations that have an impact on society as we know it. They may not be working in cahoots but their proposals all have similar intentions in line with the far-left politicians.

The European Union is a case in point. It started as the common market: a grouping of nations trading with each other. The real intention, as we now know, was, and still is, a United States of Europe, driven by the elite sitting on the European Commission. A replica of what Hitler had in mind; in fact, he used that very title. Field Marshal Montgomery realised it as far back as 1962. Margaret Thatcher admitted to being naïve on the matter. The problem is the countries involved have very little in common and the richer members are averse to helping out the poorer ones. Long term, it won’t work.

Left-wing governments work along similar lines. They want more control to curtail your freedoms, to impose higher taxes, to restrict aspiration and therefore success, to bring everyone down to the same level in the name of equality, to have bigger government, to promote transgender equality and LGBTQ issues and to have open borders. It is all deliberate: installing the rights of the minority over the rights of the majority to create societal unrest and inevitable chaos and thus gain control.

Open borders is a classic example of how to create chaos in society, because there will be hordes of people arriving whose intentions are to make society as their religion or views dictate. They don’t want society to be run along Christian lines. Christians, especially Catholics, are being persecuted. The recent opening ceremony of the Olympics featured a scene of the Last Supper that deliberately mocked its significance in order to pander to the ‘queer’ minority. Queer it most certainly was.

Transgender issues are deliberately promoted and boys are allowed in girls’ bathrooms. We have libraries hosting trans people to read to children. Again, at the Olympics, we have the bizarre situation where the committee is trying to convince us a male boxer is a woman. In California, the largest left-wing state in America, the governor has passed a law meaning only the school can be involved in a child’s gender issues – the parents have no say. Parents going to board of trustees meetings and opposing school policies have been trespassed by the police.

Climate change is another item in their toolbox. This is a means to create fear in society, particularly among the young. The idea is to brainwash them into thinking they are either going to burn to death or drown in the next few years so they will be on their side for life. It borders on the criminal to manipulate the minds of children with highly emotive misinformation.

Bigger government: the more people working for the state the easier it is to implement control. Paying thousands of people to shuffle paper is an end game.

Hate speech is simply another control mechanism aimed at the right to free speech...Right now our own police are being trained to waste time looking out for this nonsense. Listening to Debbie Ngawera-Packer in the general debate in parliament, it’s obvious it doesn’t apply to her or her ilk. If the boot were on the other foot, you would have to watch out and expect a knock on the door from PC Plod.

How about prisoner release and prison sentences? Under left-wing governments prisons are harder to get in to, but easier to get out of. In America, the Department of Justice has been heavily politicised.

So we have the attempted assassination on Donald Trump looking more and more like an inside job. We have riots in England fuelled by hooligans looking for their ‘big day out’, just like January 6 in America. Israel is the lone country in the Middle East standing up for and trying to protect democracy, something that is abhorrent to those who want to force their ideologies and religion on the rest of us. Tell the Greens that.

Donald Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ takes on a certain meaning and significance in relation to where the world is in danger of heading. If Harris and Walz are in the White House, the world will be on a path to absolute disaster. Go to Harris’s website and you will find nothing other than the subject matter of this article. Mr Walz is to the left of her. He supports abortion until the day of birth. They will bring in all of the above and more. The forthcoming presidential election is the most important and significant in modern times.

Is this the world we want? Is it the world we want for our children and grandchildren? The answer is a very definite no: it is not. Everyone will be equal, happy and own nothing. Except for the likes of George Soros, Al Gore, Kamala Harris and Tim Waltz who are peddling this tyranny. People need to wake up to the reality of the real agenda of the far left. It is dangerous and will lead to both economic and social collapse. That doesn’t bear thinking about. But it should be uppermost in everybody’s minds as the consequences will be horrific. Spread the word.
