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The Leftie Bullies Are at It Again

People holding mobile phones are silhouetted against a backdrop projected with the Twitter logo in this illustration picture taken September 27, 2013. REUTERS/Kacper Pempel/Illustration/File Photo

Yesterday a leftie troll and Jacindaphile took it upon itself to start tweeting advertisers on this site getting them to remove their adverts.

Apparently, because we are mean to Jacinda.

I had to laugh at that one as PB Tech has already lost me as a customer because they endorsed vaccine mandates for their stores. They are practising medical apartheid and active discrimination against their customers. We actually don’t want their dollars, so we have instructed our ad providers never to take an advert from them. They don’t deserve our business and we don’t want theirs. There are plenty of other places for readers to buy tech, just don’t buy from PB Tech. They are discriminatory and they cave to Twitter bullies.

Another company that caved to the bullies is Epic Fly Rods:

They too caved to a single anonymous Twitter bully. They are obviously unaware of how large our audience is and just how many of our readers enjoy the outdoors. Well, given they are cowards in the face of a single tweet, our readers can decide for themselves whether this company deserve their support.

Briscoes caved too:

Briscoes are purveyors of cheap rubbish from China. I can see no redeeming reason as to why readers should buy from a company that responds in a panic to a sole anonymous Twitter bully. I can’t remember the last time I bought something from them, but I am sure it is broken. Again, readers can make their own minds up about whether or not they continue to support Briscoes. I doubt Rod Duke cares, he has more money than Croesus, but I can’t support companies who cave in to virtue signalling bullies.

Likewise AA Insurance. They caved too:

AA Insurance has dumped on their own customer here. Our whole family has insurance with AA Insurance. That situation will now be remedied. The amount in premiums they are going to lose from our family, and likely you readers, far outweighs the ad revenue we would have received from them. Cowards don’t deserve custom.

It’s small beer, but it is hilarious that these companies cave with just one tweet. It is also interesting that the people doing this are the same people who have declared for years that I and we are irrelevant, yet here they are fomenting boycotts.

All’s fair in love and war. These companies can make whatever commercial decision they like. So can we. Contrary to the media and left-wing narrative The BFD is now at least twice the size of the old Whaleoil site. The article “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” surpassed the Len Brown story in reach and in page views. Commercial decisions can and do have consequences. You should tell these companies what they have done as a result of a single tweet:

Contact PBTech:

Contact Epic Fly Rods:

Contact AA Insurance:

Contact Briscoes:

We have the power here, not some oik on Twitter. But this highlights very clearly the value of our members and the value of membership. We are now boycott proof, we are a site that delivers for its members. If you aren’t yet a member then please consider joining us and making us indestructible from the attacks from panty-wetters and boycotters. Just click on the blue box below to sign up.

If you don’t feel you can stretch to a membership, might I suggest that you start using Brave as a browser. Firstly you will no longer see ads, but, secondly and more importantly, Brave allows you to earn crypto called a Basic Attention Token (BAT) with their Brave Rewards system. The more you read the more crypto you earn, then you can gift that crypto to this site. BAT converts to Ethereum and The BFD has an Ethereum account.

When you join Brave Rewards, your browser will automatically start tallying (only on your device’s local storage) the attention you spend on sites you visit. Once a month, Brave Rewards will send the corresponding amount of BAT, divided up based on your attention, from your local browser-based wallet to the sites you’ve visited. You can remove sites you don’t want to support, and tip creators directly too.

You can use Brave to deprive mainstream media of their advertising revenue and donate the BAT you earn for browsing their sites to The BFD. It’s a double whammy. All at zero cost to you.

We no longer fear the bullies, and that is thanks to our members and donors. We have more than doubled the membership since creating The BFD. We are powering up for a spectacular 2022. We have big plans and those will come to fruition faster the more members we have.

Together we are stronger. Be brave, join The BFD or use Brave, we all win by sticking together. Thank you for believing in us.

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