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The List Just Keeps on Growing

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Photo by Sharon McCutcheon

Here we go again: yet more ‘LGBTQEIEIEO+/-’ activists and ‘trans women’ arrested for raping kiddies.

Forget priests these days: you should be keeping your kids well away from public school teachers and trannies, it appears.

A prominent LGBTQ+ activist in Philadelphia has been charged with allegedly raping two minors.

Kendall Stephens, 37, was arrested Monday and charged with rape, involuntary assault, unlawful contact with minors, and indecent assault against people less than 13 years old, among other offenses, court documents revealed.

The exact details of the allegations against Stephens were not immediately available.

Stephens – who is a trans woman – had a preliminary arraignment in Philadelphia municipal court Monday evening, the court records showed.

Yet, over half of the article is dedicated to painting Stephens as a victim…

Stephens previously made headlines when she [he] was the victim of a vicious hate crime and group assault inside her [his] South Philadelphia residence.

New York Post

Well, big whoops. Is that a license to molest?

And don’t bet on the tranny pedo getting anywhere near the sentence the girl who beat him up did. Not if this is any indication:

A trans-identified male in Kentucky has reached a plea deal after being charged with sexually abusing a baby and will avoid prison so long as he meets certain conditions. Maria Childers, a former daycare worker, hired a prominent trans activist lawyer to represent him in the sickening case.

I guess nothing brings out the crusader in a tranny lawyer like a fellow tranny getting done for being a kiddy-fiddler.

It speaks volumes that this cock-in-a-frock clearly felt so untouchable that he straight-up molested a child right in front of his co-workers.

According to witness testimony, a co-worker had asked Childers for assistance in changing an infant’s diaper. While Childers was cleaning the baby’s genitals, the co-worker noticed that the infant appeared to be in distress and asked Childers if he was hurting the baby. She then witnessed Childers rub the infant’s genitals in a “circular motion,” while saying “that was her clit area and she likes it. It just made her day.”

While Childers was reported to management at the Academy, he was only given a “write up.”

Indeed, the whole of officialdom is bending over backwards for Chester the Cross-Dressing Child Molester.

While Childers was initially marked as a “male” by both police and the jail, internal documents obtained by Reduxx reveal that his recorded sex was later switched to “female” by the McCracken County Jail […] Childers’ bond was reduced from $100,000 to $5,000 surety […] If Childers abides by the conditions set by the court during the 6-month period, he will not serve any prison time at all, and may not even receive a criminal record.


But the grim tally of trannies putting their frocked-up cocks where they shouldn’t just keeps scrolling on.

A popular transgender TikToker in Australia who previously had gained thousands of followers as a “proud trans woman” has pleaded guilty to aggravated counts of producing and possessing child exploitation material, gross indecency and indecent assault. The South Australia District Court heard that Rachel Queen Burton repeatedly abused two children, and then stalked them and their family into homelessness, before he began claiming to be a “woman” […]

The victims’ mother described how, after she discovered Burton’s abuse, she fled the area with her children, only to be followed by the sexual predator. She told the court that at one point, she and her children were residing in a police-issued safe house until Burton “showed up at the window, peering in,” causing them to flee again.

But, hey, he’s a veritable ‘transgender’ icon.

Burton was best known for his popular TikTok account, which had over 36,000 followers and boasted 418,000 ‘likes.’ On his profile, he describes himself as a “proud trans woman” who is “living my best life with no regrets.”


For too many predators in dresses, it appears, their “best life” is a nightmare for the children they prey upon.

At least this particular pervert is being held in a men’s jail. No doubt the pooferati will get their rainbow plumage all in a fluff about that.


State of the Nation 2025

State of the Nation 2025

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