It’s gaslighting on a massive scale. Ann Coulter’s Law writ far and wide. Propaganda of the dimensions and determination not seen since the Soviet Union or Maoist China. The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command (George Orwell, 1984).
A wave of crime, often of appalling violence and sexual brutality, is sweeping Western nations. But no one in the elite classes will admit the most basic truth of why it is happening, or who is doing it.
Take this latest screed from the Age on a wave of “youth crime” engulfing Melbourne. Again.
The latest outrage is the killing of a trainee doctor who was left for dead after a stolen car loaded with “youths” smashed into his car at high speed. The alleged driver was already on revolving-door bail for a laundry list of offences.
Just don’t ask the police, politicians or media, to tell us what everyone with a functioning brain has already guessed. “Witnesses described three tall, skinny youths,” is the most you’ll get out of them.
While [William Taylor’s] death and the allegations that followed have thrust the issue of youth crime back into the headlines, statistics show it is a problem years in the making.
Years and years of lies and obfuscation.
Although officials will be more forthcoming when it suits them. In the case of a gang of teenagers who went on a crime spree that ended with a 14-year-old in a coma, police were suddenly more forthcoming with descriptions: “of Caucasian appearance”.
Coulter’s Law applies.
Otherwise, for all the handwringing over teen crime, no one will state the bleeding (too often, literally) obvious. Take this masterclass in deceit:
The issue of youth crime previously exploded into prominence after a rolling brawl among young people at Melbourne’s Federation Square during the Moomba festival in March 2016.
The Age
That would be the night hordes of African teenagers went on the rampage. Why can’t the media come out and say it? Why, indeed, do police and media openly lie about it? At the time of the Moomba riot, police said, with a perfectly straight face, that Africans were not over-represented in crime. Yet, their own statistics proved that that was a bald-faced lie. It was a lie, too, when police flat-out denied the existence of African crime gangs, calling them instead “networked criminal offenders”.
None of the lies became any less lies when the media repeated them, ad nauseum. Although the media perhaps have the poor excuse of being too stupid to see through the lies.
But the nexus between mass immigration and crime is not just an Australian problem. If anything, Australia’s got off lightly (so far at least) compared to Europe. There, the religious character of mass immigration has had an even more dire impact.
British journalist Alex Phillips relates how she’s been trailed home by an Afghan man and robbed by a Roma woman. And speaking of her friend’s three teenage daughters: “all of them now have at some point been sexually assaulted. They’ve been groped, they have been followed. They are scared living in London.”
But Britain, like Australia, carefully does not record crime statistics by nationality or ethnicity, so the cover-up is easily enabled. Other countries are more honest. Scandinavian countries, for instance, have dramatically raised their imports of non-Western immigrants (by a staggering 158 per cent between 2020 and 2023 alone).
Turns out at the same time, crime went up by 31 per cent is there a correlation? Well sex offenses went up by 248 per cent and when you look at their league tables, the vast majority of those sexual offenses are being committed by men who were not born in Sweden, they weren’t even born in European countries or Western countries. That was Denmark […]
Sweden in that same period, their level of non-Western immigration went up by 86 per cent. Overall crime went up by 24 per cent. Is there a correlation? Well I don’t know, rape went up by 359 per cent. Even the Prime Minister of Sweden has turned around and said you know perhaps we were a bit naive when it came to our immigration policy.
Herman Kelly, of the Irish Freedom Party, relates similar statistics from that country.
In 2022 there were 12 women murdered in Ireland: five of those were murdered by non-nationals. Given that 22 per cent of the population are non-national, that’s a very high percentage. So I would say it’s not just correlation. I would move towards that there’s actually a causal link between a large number of unvetted males into a country at an increase in crime.
But the cover-up in Victoria pales beside the mind-bogglingly appalling official cover run for child-rape gangs operating in Britain for decades, and now in Brussels and Paris. In Britain it was – and still is – Pakistani Muslim men. In Europe, as in the mass rape attacks on New Year’s Eve 2016, it’s Somalian and other North African Muslim men.
The amount of young girls now falling victim to gang rape… gang rape. That is one of the most horrific things that can happen to a little girl, and almost every single time these gangs are coming from countries who, to put it in a mild manner, don’t share our cultural values. People have to be honest and call what it is, because, as you say, we look at the ethnicity and culture and religion, like let’s talk what it is.
What it really is, Kelly says, is rape jihad. Rape as a weapon of war is a well-known horror. Rape is also a weapon in the undeclared war that is the Islamic invasion of Europe.
It is that the damage to young girls and the humiliation of men within their culture as well to say, to come in, to dominate and say we are in charge and that’s what it is about.
Thanks to the cowardliness and determined lies of the elite classes, that really is what it’s about. The longer they keep being allowed to lie about it all, the worse it will get.