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Photo by Thomas Serer. The BFD

Sir Bob Jones

In these troubled times a massive salve has been provided by sport and no more so than in Australia, the so-called lucky country.

For me, the greatest game of all is test cricket and while Aussies may feel otherwise, they were privileged, as were we watching in New Zealand, by the extraordinary drama earlier this year provided by the five test Indian series.

Then to top it off, has there ever been a greater three test rugby series than that of the just concluded French-Australian series?

Compared with the tedium of All Blacks matches, beginning with the embarrassingly infantile haka and then the endless scrums, constant whistle-blowing and re-sets, the Australian-French series was a non-stop all-action thriller. They’re far from the best sides in the world but they tops by a country mile when it comes to providing a viewer spectacle.

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