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The Luxon stratagem could easily have been created by either Labour or the National party. Whoever is behind it should be very pleased with the number of headlines it has generated

Christopher Luxon and PM Jacinda Ardern

Headlines so far include:

Christopher Luxon’s path from national carrier to National Party won’t be simple


Is Christopher Luxon really Prime Minister material?


Nats probable new wunderkind no sure thing – hurdles for Christopher Luxon to clear yet


Christopher Luxon would be a ‘good get’ for the National Party, says 1 NEWS political editor


Revealed: Christopher Luxon is not definitely the next National PM


’The natural home for talent’ – National Party would welcome Christopher Luxon


Is ex Air NZ boss Christopher Luxon a future National leader?

Newstalk ZB

Jacinda Ardern won’t fire Christopher Luxon as business adviser despite his National leanings

A newspaper

Winston Peters expects Luxon at 2026 election, while Shane Jones asks for an apology


Outgoing Air NZ CEO says he identifies with National Party but has ‘no master plan’ to run for office


Ugh, he “identifies” with the National party. How much more ‘Woke’ can he possibly get? Add this to the stand he took in refusing to serve on all-male panel talks, then calling for the creation of women’s support networks in Air NZ and you have a candidate much more suited to a left-wing party than a right-wing one. The fact that he “identifies” with the National party shows you just how far the National party have fallen from their original core values.


Iwi Bandits Are at Work

Iwi Bandits Are at Work

If iwi keep inventing new privileges under Article Two of the Treaty, then the Crown should use Article Three which says that Māori rights and duties are the same as those of everyone else.

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