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The Maori Party Are Still Blaming Colonization

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

I am amazed that in the 74 years I have lived the Maori Party are still blaming colonization for the problems that Maori experience such as their health. When they are not blaming colonization they are claiming that the Treaty of Waitangi means co-governance.

Enough has been written about that so I won’t bore the readers. But while this is all going on they ignore that young Maori children are being murdered by their whanau and no one is being held to account. I can remember Nia Glassie being put in a washing machine and then hung on a washing line but at least in that case someone was held to account but colonization certainly did make them do that to the poor little girl.

Then there was the Kahui family killing their twins and covering up their murder with no one held to account. Again colonization didn’t murder their twins. Lastly, little Ru was murdered and the three people that were involved were not held to account yet again.

Maybe it’s time to stop blaming colonization and look at the facts as to why some Maori kill their children.

It’s time for The Maori Party to start caring about all these unnecessary deaths and start dealing with Maori problems and not blaming every problem on Colonization.

I have just scratched the surface of how many Maori children have been murdered this way.

Don T
