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Nudge Unit

You may not have heard of the ‘Nudge Unit’, but I can assure you that it exists and I believe our own government has one. The original ‘Nudge Unit’ was set up in the UK and called the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), also known unofficially as the “Nudge Unit“.

Described in Wikipedia as:

a UK-based global social purpose organisation that generates and applies behavioural insights to inform policy and improve public services, following nudge theory. Using social engineering, as well as techniques in psychology and marketing, the purpose of the organisation is to influence public thinking and decision making in order to improve compliance with government policy and thereby decrease social and government costs related to inaction and poor compliance with policy and regulation.


The UK ‘Nudge Unit’ has made headlines for its work during the Covid pandemic. In an article in The Financial Times one of the members of the ‘Nudge Unit’ blows his own trumpet:

Alongside the vaccine rollout, we have largely controlled the virus with restrictions on behaviour, though not always the right ones. Early on in the pandemic, wearing masks was discouraged, testing was abandoned and ventilation ignored. The excessive emphasis on handwashing created a mental model of how the virus was transmitted that was subsequently hard to displace.

As understanding changed and public health policies hardened, the behavioural scientists were put in the dock. The idea that citizens would not tolerate harsh restrictions for long — what was described as “behavioural fatigue” — was blamed for delaying lockdown. But this understandable fear did not come from the behavioural scientists or the nudge unit. Covid was an unprecedented case and there was simply no good evidence to warrant any strong assertions.

When behavioural science was engaged as part of the pandemic response, the results were positive. Over 50 online trials were conducted by the BIT to work out which messages best helped citizens make decisions. A large field trial was undertaken, involving more than 2 million people, to test which text message most increased vaccine take-up.

Financial Times

It all sounds eerily familiar, doesn’t it? We have, for certain, experienced our own ‘Nudge Unit’ in action, from the special group set up in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet to monitor disinformation, to the state-funded Te Punaha Matatini, the academic Centre of Research Excellence that is home to the data mappers and modellers, who have gotten everything so very wrong. It is also home to The Disinformation Project. Te Punaha Matatini is the group that includes Shaun Hendy, Siouxsie Wiles and Dion O’Neale that received over $6.5 million in funding during Covid.

The UK-based BIT also coincidentally has an office in Sydney and in Wellington. The Wellington office was established in 2016 and works with central and local government clients including the Ministry of Social Development, the Ministry of Primary Industries, and the New Zealand Police.

So it is fair to say, that between the DPMC, Te Punaha Matatini, The Disinformation Project and BIT we have an even bigger ‘Nudge Unit’ than that which exists in the UK.

This brings me to the coincidences.

Do you really think that David Fisher from the NZ Herald and Kirsty Johnson from Stuff both had the same idea to run slanderous smear jobs on key people who have been calling out Government policies, regulations and information during this pandemic on the same weekend?

I don’t believe in coincidences, do you?

David Fisher was also particularly dishonest with one of his stories too. This was his own dirty media contribution as he seeks to label protestors at Wellington as domestic terrorists. He began his article talking about the Wellington protest, then segues into this:

Kitteridge said the number of people the NZSIS was investigating had held steady at between 40 and 50. If an attack took place, it was most likely to be a lone actor using easily obtainable weapons who hadn’t come to the attention of security services.

Those weapons range from a car to a knife or “there are still many guns that are obtainable”.

“And that is a concern that if a person is tipped into that intent to do something in the real world; it is not a difficult thing to do.”

NZ Herald

Again, like his article smearing me, Guy Hatchard, Voices for Freedom and others, he references The Disinformation Project at Te Punaha Matatini and quotes Kate Hannah and Sanjana Hattotuwa.

The inference is clear, those who speak up against the Government in particular are akin to domestic terrorists, and the SIS is monitoring 40-50 individuals. Again the clear inference is that I, the staff at The BFD, the mummy and knitting bloggers at Voices for Freedom and Guy Hatchard are probably on that list.

It is an outrageous and disgusting smear but all too often that’s the case for agitprop activists like David Fisher. The man is an ankle. It’s the only thing three feet lower than an arsehole. He’s a particularly nasty smear merchant who thinks he’s an honest player when it is clear he is not.

But since he reads us, I’ll point out to David Fisher, since he is too stupid and nasty to do his own research, that someone who has a firearms licence, and a collector’s and prohibited firearms endorsement is highly unlikely to be on some sort of terror watch list, no matter how hard he tries to make that smear stick.

The links are all there if you care to look beyond the headlines. It is beyond mere coincidence that we are being manipulated by quasi-government organisations at the behest of the Prime Minister, using useful idiots like David Fisher and Kirsty Johnson who get fed information on a platter from the likes of the Disinformation Project, then dress it up like they did all the work themselves.

It’s no coincidence.

It is also no coincidence that we are now seeing the next phase pushed out via the Government lickspittles in the propaganda press. That next level being nudged is that vaccines won’t be the way out of the pandemic. The funny thing is the nudger is Keith Lynch the explainer editor at Stuff. He’s the propaganda press hitman who lined up Guy Hatchard just a few weeks ago, attacking Hatchard for his work exposing vaccines. The same vaccines he is now attacking in his own latest article.

Are we being ‘nudged’ again? This time expecting us to ignore what the propaganda press and Keith Lynch have been pushing for two years now. It appears that the regime has moved on and now they are trying to nudge the propaganda press to hoodwink the citizens yet another time, this time suggesting that vaccines were never the panacea they actually claimed they were.

Every time you read now, that vaccines were never really going to save us all remember this:

And also refer here when they start pushing that the 4th jab will save us as well. Because a huge study from Israel has shown that the 4th jab gives you just 4-7 weeks of ‘immunity’.

A fourth shot of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine increased protection against viral infection for only four to seven weeks, according to a massive study published Tuesday.

The study included 1.25 million people age 60 and over in Israel who received their fourth dose between January and March. Israel uses only the Pfizer vaccine.

People who got the fourth dose were half as likely to test positive for COVID-19 four weeks later when compared to people who only had three doses, according to the study.

But by the eighth week, the groups were almost equally likely to catch COVID-19, researchers found.

New York Daily News

Through this whole pandemic, the population has been manipulated into believing lie after lie after lie, until they can no longer recognise the truth when they see it. We have witnessed a master class in propaganda, by a truly evil woman, who did so for her own naked political ambition.

The nation has been beggared, the whole charade is tumbling down, and they continue to ‘nudge’.

The difference now is that we know they are doing it. But it takes vigilance and bravery to call it out when they do.

There is little doubt in my mind that this Government has a ‘Nudge Unit’, they’ve just given it another more pleasant-sounding name, but it exists and it is being used against you.

It is effective, it’s how they created the mass formation that made people willingly submit to draconian lockdown and enthusiastically embrace discrimination as we’ve never seen before.

The good news is, if you are a reader of The BFD, is that you now at least know what the Government and their lickspittles in the propaganda press are trying to do to you.

What is more concerning is that I don’t see an incoming National-led government abandoning such tactics, do you? Of course, they won’t change a thing and would just love to use the ‘Nudge Unit’ for their own designs.

That’s why existing parties in parliament must be shunned. They are all the same, and simply want to control you all. You can challenge things like the ‘Nudge Unit’ by embracing freedom and rejecting totalitarianism.

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