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The More ‘Wins’ Like Auckland, the More the Trannies Lose

Genuine New Zealand friendliness. The BFD.

The term “Pyrrhic Victory”, means an apparent victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat. Especially in the long term. The name derives from King Pyrrhus of Epirus, who defeated the Romans at Asculum — but the “victory” all but destroyed Pyrrhus’ army. Pyrrhus is said to have remarked, “If we are victorious in one more battle with the Romans, we shall be utterly ruined”.

The Romans, on the other hand, as Plutarch records, “quickly and plentifully filled up with fresh men”. Men, moreover, even more eager for battle after the previous defeat.

But the feminine version of the name, Pyrrha, also occurs in Greek legend. Forewarned of her son’s fate if he went to war, the nymph Thetis sent the infant to be raised as a girl called “Pyrrha”, at the court of King Lycomedes. But, when the wily Odysseus, in the guise of a peddler, placed a spear and shield among a lot of “feminine gewgaws” presented to the maids of Lycomedes’ court, young Pyrrha immediately pounced on the weapons of war.

All of which means that the apparent “victory” of the violent pro-trans mob in Auckland is “Pyrrhic” in every sense of the word. As the legend of Achilles/“Pyrrha” shows, even the Greeks knew that nature cannot be denied and no amount of feminisation will make a boy into a girl.

And, while “Juice Boy” Eliana Rubashkyn might blibber “Slaaay!” as he flounces around the South Island, trying to avoid arrest, the trans mob have fatally wounded their own cause with their “win” in Auckland.

“It was a victory,’’ says Keen, back in her Wiltshire homeland, surrounded by Saxon sandstone buildings and tourist shops, ­reflecting on what had been a ­momentous week in bringing pro-women issues to the fore […]

Keen claims the misogyny and hatred by aggressive trans activists who appeal for kindness and fairness has been vividly exposed during her $50,000 Oceania tour, even though she abandoned it prematurely after a terrifying rally in Auckland when a 72-year-old woman who wanted to hear her speak suffered a broken eye socket during a melee while police, inexplicably, remained at a distance.

Handing an award just days later to the creepy misogynist who incited the violence only drew a line under what the lynch mob made plain for all to see. Far from “under attack”, the trannies are out attacking in force. If the unhinged mob violence in New Zealand wasn’t enough, within a week, a tranny went on a mass-shooting rampage, while, across the internet, trannies were brandishing guns and promising a “day of vengeance”.

A few more “victories” like that, and the trannies are well on the way to losing the culture war they launched.

As for Kellie-Jay Keen, the Auckland lynch mob have only served to boost her profile and justify her message.

“There’s this entitlement of these people on the left that they have no consequences and they can behave atrociously, and it’s fine to have no respect for the ­office in which they dwell”

Kelly-Jay Keen
In Britain, high-profile feminists – including JK Rowling, Julie Bindel and Kathleen Stock – have backed Keen, questioning why women were not supported in Hobart and New Zealand.

Keen is now planning to enter British politics, launching the Party of Women to highlight the need for women’s spaces.

“It’s going to focus on language and women’s rights, very much the campaign that I’ve been doing on the tour and I’m going to run against (Labour leader) Keir Starmer,” she says.

Like Chris Hipkins in New Zealand, Starmer has made a fool of himself — and held up the lunacy of trans ideology for all to see — by stumbling over the simplest of questions regarding gender.

Starmer, a former director of public prosecutions, famously couldn’t answer when asked if a woman could have a penis and insisted it was wrong to say only women could have a cervix.

Most importantly, though, Keen is showing unequivocally the rise of the new left authoritarianism that is smothering liberties, from freedom of speech to women’s rights, across the Western world.

“I think you have a really worrying rise of authoritarianism,’’ she says. “And I think this is one of the elements of the mass disinformation, misinformation of the populace. There is a correlation, I can’t tell you what it is, but if we think about the worst countries in the world for this gender bullshit: Scotland, Canada, the blue states in the United States, not the red states, you’ve got New Zealand, Ireland and Australia, and what they have in common is really hard lockdowns […]

Back in 2018, Keen paid for a billboard poster in Liverpool saying “woman: noun, adult human female”, but it was taken down almost immediately after a complaint. Similarly last year she organised an Edinburgh billboard poster saying “I (heart) JK Rowling”, which was removed by Network Rail which said it violated political advertising rules.

But the harder the authoritarian left crack down on women like Keen, the more they expose their own lunatic brutality.

Most of all, in an age of universal lies, she is loudly speaking the truth in terms that expose the cant and deceit of the authoritarians.

“My activism has always been about reaching those women that don’t know. I know if you said to a woman or man in this country, your 80-year-old mother is going to go into hospital in a female-only ward and next to her is going to be a man with a penis who calls himself a woman, I know that most people will understand what that means.

“And yet nobody really talks in those terms. And I think politicians don’t talk in those terms. And academics don’t talk in those terms. Fair enough, but it means this. It means having a penis in a changing room with your daughter. That’s what it means.”

The Australian

The misogynist lynch mob in Auckland may have triumphed on the day, but a few more battles like that and their cause will be utterly ruined, because more and more of the silent majority will see them for what they really are.
