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The Most Expensive Con the World Has Ever Seen

two Euro banknotes
Photo by Christian Dubovan. The BFD


Are the media in this country utterly stupid or knowingly lying by omission? I believe it is a combination of both. They have given up the right to be called journalists. That title long ago was given to people who were nonpartisan and gave the facts that were available – whether they aligned with their own opinions or not.

To refer to the most expensive con the world has ever seen as a Covid ‘stimulus package’ is beyond lying, it is blatantly committing a fraudulent act of lying by omission. This con by the Democrats has more pork in it than an American breakfast and every ‘journalist’ knows it!

With 91% (yes that is a 91 not a 19) having absolutely nothing to do with any form of relief to those affected by Covid, personally or in business, how can anyone lie straight in bed at night and refer to it as a Covid relief bill?

It is not! It is the biggest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen and will more than likely bankrupt the American economy and cause suffering to millions. Of course, this is where the ‘stupid’ side of the media comes to the fore. These people think in their tiny brains that this ‘reset’ of wealth will create a utopian world where wars are non-existent and love is all around.

The Bill itself is 1.9 trillion dollars. Easy to say. But how much is it really? So in our money, that is 2.5 million, million dollars. Maybe this will put it into perspective. That’s 2,500,000,000,000 NZD – and only 9% goes to Covid – but Trump was the conman eh!?

The Democrat states which have borrowed and spent hundreds of millions of dollars and systematically bankrupted themselves over decades of socialist policies will not change as they are just like those who win large amounts in Lotto and are flat broke within 2 years.

For the Sean Plunkets and other mindless lefties of this world who were so blinded by TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) that any alternative would do and also believed that whatever happened in the US wouldn’t impact us here, hold on to your hats as it’s about to get real!

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