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The New Viral Perils Caused by Lockdowns

white ceramic mug on white table beside black eyeglasses
Photo by Kelly Sikkema. The BFD.

Ironically lockdowns that were sold to the public as a defence against Covid-19 have made the locked down population much more susceptible to other infections.

Information now out of the UK reports a new viral peril; the super cold, “the worst cold ever” that is not Covid-related but is thought to be a result of a weakened immune system after the nearly two years of lockdown. Non-Covid respiratory illnesses are on the rise again, and the so-called super-cold can develop into deadly pneumonia.

“Outbreak of ‘super cold’ smashes highly-vaxxed UK.”

“It could well be that now common colds are resurging because of the decline in social distancing and mask-wearing, that they are bouncing back, and the respiratory tract has not had enough recent experience of respiratory infections to be able to mount that strong first-line defence”

[…] nearly 68 percent of people in the UK are fully vaccinated…and the country has started offering booster shots ahead of winter.”  

Professor Peter Openshaw from Imperial College London

The UK government is now trying to get more people than ever to have a flu vaccine. And as reported by Frank Chung on, RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), a virus that is particularly dangerous to infants, has also re-emerged with a vengeance after lockdowns, with cases surging in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and South Africa.

UK GPs are reporting high numbers of people repeatedly testing negative for Covid strains but with respiratory difficulties, exhaustion, and many other of the symptoms that have been associated with Covid-19.

Symptoms of the ‘super cold’ include a raised temperature, muscle aches, headaches, a blocked or runny nose, sneezing, coughing, pressure in ears and face, loss of taste and smell. Do those sound familiar?

ZOE, the world’s largest ongoing study into the virus, states through their millions of health reports that many of the symptoms of Covid-19 are now the same as a regular cold, especially for people who have received two doses of the vaccine. The Covid Symptom Study App has been developed by health science company ZOE and data collected is shared with and analysed by King’s College London and ZOE research teams.

Because we have been and continue to be isolated, shut away, and without typical exposure to viruses and other bugs, does our mollycoddled immune system become unable to cope and overwhelmed by what we term the common cold?  If so, how can that be progress?

fail cabin fever GIF

Based on the government’s penchant for lockdowns, masks, and social distancing, all causing a multitude of increased stress factors, and all of which have the ability to compromise our natural immunity, will we be on a perpetual hamster wheel of flu and Covid-19 vaccinations and boosters and yet more boosters?

There is something very wrong here.  We have been placed in a circular argument. As Cam Slater said, it is folly to think that we can jab our way to freedom.

However, the news may not all be bad. “Covid will end up resembling the common cold by next spring,” leading experts Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert, whose work helped develop the Oxford Astra-Zeneca vaccine, and Sir John Bell, Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford University, have claimed in a report for Sky News UK. This is said to be as a “result of the immunity-boosting effects of vaccines and increased exposure.”

That said, many others are predicting ongoing mutations of the Covid-19 virus. It could become more transmissible, it could become better at evading our immune system, or it could become more virulent. So it is, it seems, a waiting game. Someone will be right. Others will be wrong.

The benefits of vaccinations and lockdowns have been questioned by Don Brash. “The Government has been following some pretty shonky advice on the pandemic.”  Brash notes that the economic impact based on cost/benefit analysis, CBA, is even more doubtful and concerning as we watch the economic disaster unfolding with the printing of money by our Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Grant Robertson.

“Covid-19: Lockdown Cost/Benefits: A Critical Assessment of the Literature,”

[…] “An examination of over 100 Covid-19 studies reveals that many relied on false assumptions that over-estimated the benefits and under-estimated the costs of lockdown.  The most recent research has shown that lockdowns have had, at best, a marginal effect on the number of Covid-19 deaths.  It is possible that lockdown will go down as one of the greatest peacetime policy failures in modern history.”

Douglas W Allen International Journal of the Economics of Business

And here we remain. Trapped in lockdown by our PM and her ‘experts.’


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