”Education” continues its slide into indoctrination and brainwashing. The Cultural Marxist’s “long march through the institutions” is now substantially complete.
There’s a disturbing whiff of totalitarianism, in that this secular religion permits no dissent
Karl du Fresne, Dominion Post, January 23, 2020
state-organised bullying of kids
David Seymour
The New Zealand government has announced a new Climate Change Curriculum (available here) for children age 10 and above. It is a callous, exploitative project whose undisguised aim is to frighten children to death (perhaps literally) in order to fulfil the government/UN climate agenda.
Let us be quite clear – the climate change curriculum has nothing to with science or education but is unashamedly evangelical. The IPCC reports are Holy Writ, and to question any detail is heresy. There is instruction on how to resist temptation from the devil, in the form of sceptics (heretics). Donald Trump, the villain who pulled the United States out of the Kyoto Agreement, is, of course, the Devil Incarnate. There are fast days with abstinence from certain foods. Greta Thunberg leads the Children’s Crusade. If the children fail, there will be hell on earth, and they will live with the guilt forever – moral blackmail; guilt and blame play a prominent role in the climate cult.
There is no attempt to apply academic rigour at any point or to inspire critical thinking – the aim is to suppress critical thinking. Children are brainwashed, cowed or bullied into becoming climate activists. They are given no space to disagree with the facts as presented, to fail to respond emotionally as demanded, to refuse to take action as required. Such manipulation is child abuse.
The ‘Science’ (Section A)
The fundamental creed is, of course, that an increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gases, principally CO2, is causing the world to warm up, with various spin-off effects like scarily rising sea levels, droughts, hurricanes etc.
The science presented is at best selective. It does not show the breakdown of gases in the atmosphere. There is no attempt to put climate change into context, even by providing a graph of geological history. Everything is taught as bald fact, with no room for debate, even where the claims are hotly disputed by reputable scientists around the world. Instead, the children are taught to swallow and regurgitate the mendacious mantra that ‘97% of climate experts agree’.
The IPCC is referred to repeatedly as an absolute authority, despite the heavy criticism that has been levelled at the organisation over the years, with a number of contributors complaining that the findings of scientists were reversed by the final editors. New Zealander Dr Vincent Gray, who contributed to all the early IPCC reports, described the IPCC in 2007 as too blinkered and corrupt to save (see also here and here ).
To be continued…
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