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The NZ Israeli Ambassador Has Our Support

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COMS – Coalition of Ministers Supporting Israel

COMS-Israel is a group of 42 Church Ministers in New Zealand who support the right of Israel to protect its homeland. This group has evolved out of the latest conflict in Gaza and more ministers continue to join. We are very concerned with an imbalanced media perspective on the conflict, with disturbing and alarming marches and rallies calling for the end of the Jewish State, and with several political leaders in both local and national politics adding inflammatory language to the conversation.

The Coalition of Ministers Supporting Israel in New Zealand does not support the call for the expulsion of the Israeli Ambassador from New Zealand.

We think the call by the Federation of Islamic Associations in New Zealand (FIANZ) is based on an incomplete understanding.

Contrary to the FIANZ Press Release of 14 November  we would like these factors remembered in what is a complex international problem:

1.      Israel is not trying to commit “acts of deliberate and wanton genocide”. Israel has the unenviable task of ridding the Gaza Strip of a terror organisation. No Western nation would tolerate the constant bombardment of rockets, more than 10,000 so far since 7 October. Civilian deaths are unfortunate but could have been avoided by Hamas not attacking Israel in the first place, and then by Hamas releasing all hostages held. Instead, they show their lack of concern toward their own people by pursuing their declared goal of annihilating the Jewish State.

2.      Israel does not use “genocidal attacks” and is not involved in the “wholesale bombing of innocent civilians”. The IDF targets what they believe are Hamas facilities and terrorist rocket launch positions or terrorist personnel. It recognises civilian casualties will occur if the people have not evacuated as warned.  Civilian casualties are due to the disregard of a terrorist government toward the people they are supposed to be leading. Hamas deliberately hides behind civilian institutions and infrastructure and therefore must bear the responsibility for the unfortunate “collateral damage”.

3.      A premature ceasefire would empower Hamas to regroup and recover, which would defeat the purpose of Israel’s operation in the Gaza Strip.

4.      It would be unwise for New Zealand to boycott the smart technology that Israeli innovation has brought to us. New Zealand should certainly not halt its use in our country.

5.      Israel is taking what they believe is “decisive action” to confront a jihadist terror group which is seeking the destruction of both the Jewish State and the concept of Western civilization.

6.       Because of this the New Zealand Government should refrain from making any decision based on an incomplete description of events as portrayed by our media.

7.       We fully support aid to care for those trapped in the horror of war on both sides, as this will not end when the guns are silent.

The Coalition of Ministers Supporting Israel calls for the continuation of both the Israeli ambassador and embassy in Wellington.

It also calls for our leaders to assist in encouraging a negotiated settlement to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, as opposed to any unilateral decisions made at the United Nations.

Pastor Nigel Woodley



Coalition of Ministers Supporting Israel
