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The Rainbow Lobby Have the Auckland Council’s Balls in the Palm of Their Hand

I am so sick of Rainbow tick this and Rainbow approved that. There is nothing beautiful at all about the power being wielded by the Rainbow lobby. They have a firm hold of the Auckland Council’s balls and it only takes a little squeeze to bring them into line.

Once upon a time, a feminist speaker would have been welcomed with open arms by the council no matter how controversial his or her views. Now, however, they can be banished to the far-flung corners of the Western Springs Garden Community Hall by the Auckland council, to placate the Rainbow bully boys who didn’t want the other side of the transgender rights story told.

Complaints from the LGBT community about Auckland Council hosting an anti-transgender speaker have seen the event moved – to another Council venue.
[…] “We spoke to the organisers after we were made aware that there may be protests at the event, and we wanted a safer and more appropriate place should this happen,” chief executive Stephen Town told Newshub.
“We know that the speaker is seen by many as having views that are harmful to transgender communities,” Town says. “We have also heard the complaints and concerns raised by our Rainbow Communities and our partners at this Proud Centre. In this respect, we want to put on record that we do not support or endorse the views of the speakers at the event.

Did you hear that gay feminists? Rainbow communities that support transgender activism that threatens the rights of biological women are more equal than you are…you gay bigots! The Auckland Council refers to them as “Our Rainbow communities.” You are the WRONG kinds of gays. You have been kicked out of the Rainbow for the crime of Wrongthink. Them’s the rules SOZ.

Take your nasty views off to the Western Springs Garden Community Hall and never sully the hallowed halls of Studio One Toi Tu again!

“We do, however, recognise that Aucklanders hold a wide range of views on issues and that the right to free speech is protected by the Bill of Rights.”

Wow, how big of them to allow people the right to free speech but only in a second-class council venue. I am sure the speaker is so grateful for the crumbs thrown their way by the free-speech-protecting Auckland Council (sarcasm).

SUFW event manager Jenny Whyte says the group has been “driven out of the city centre” by protesters. […]
A secondary reason for relocating the event, Auckland Council said, was to placate the ‘rainbow community‘,” Whyte said in a statement. “Many of our members and supporters are lesbian, gay and bisexual. If other members of our community take issue with us we invite them to engage directly with us.”?
SUFW is a lobby group created in response to proposed changes to the Births, Deaths, Marriages and Relationships Registration Bill that would make it easier for transgender Kiwis to change the sex marker on their birth certificate. It claims to represent gay women who feel marginalised or unsafe by the progression of transgender people’s rights.
The Free Speech Coalition’s Dr David Cumin has also voiced his support, saying the Council made a “commendable” decision to allow the event to go ahead.

How sad a state of affairs is it that we have to commend the Auckland Council for allowing lesbian, gay and bisexual people to pay to use a second-class council venue, when the Council’s favoured community would rather that they de-platformed them the same way they de-platformed Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux.

It seems to me that the Auckland Council’s new stance is the equivalent of the old smokers’ table in a restaurant. They used to be forced by law to cater to them but they placed it right in front of the toilet because they really didn’t want their custom.

People with views that the Auckland Council don’t approve of can from now on expect to be forced to speak in second class venues that don’t suit them or their audience.

A second event featuring Murphy will be hosted by Massey University as part of the Feminism 2020 programme, and has been met with similar protest. In response to the uproar, the university released a statement reiterating their support for the gender diverse community and commitment to all students’ safety.
“While we strongly support our community, we are also committed to free speech as a fundamental tenet of a university, and we recognise that free speech, academic freedom and freedom of expression are contentious and nuanced issues worldwide,” the statement reads.
[…] Wellington writer and transgender advocate Caitlin Spice has been vocal about her disapproval of Massey’s decision, and says there’s no appropriate venue for hate speech.
“To put it as bluntly as possible, the university wouldn’t host an anti-Maori event, an anti-gay event, or an anti-Jewish event,” she told Newshub. “Hosting an anti-trans event is stating loudly and clearly that the university does not support their transgender students or staff. People have a right to protest that.


What a liar this Caitlin Spice is. I wish someone would call Caitlin out on this completely false accusation. Since when has standing up for women’s rights been hate speech? Caitlin gets to stand up for the rights of cocks in frocks and no one bats an eyelid, but when some members of the Rainbow community want to stand up for women’s rights, Caitlin wants them suppressed.


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