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The Reinvented History of Radicalised Maori Minorities

Identity politics threatens free speech everywhere and New Zealand is no exception. Radicalised “bully boys and girls” are using identity politics to prevent people from challenging their radical spin on New Zealand history, according to this article in The Spectator.

On both sides of the Tasman, too many of our MPs haven’t listened to  the brilliant black American academic, Thomas Sowell, whose year working  in the US Labor Department apparently reversed his commitment to Marxism. Equally as relevant as his conclusion – that ‘Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it’ – was his warning that minority groups can bully majorities, within their own country.
This is increasingly happening, not only in Australia and New Zealand  – both by new immigrant groups repudiating assimilation, while arguing for their anti-democratic, cultural practices to take precedence – but also by minority groups whose radicalised extremists promote a considerably whitewashed account of their ancestors’ pre-European culture.
[…] Here in New Zealand we are seeing the first signs of a country fed up with the diktats imposed by power groups long bending the ear of government with the promise of voting support – or virtually  blacklisting with accusations of being racist, homophobic, etc. those  brave enough to question increasingly dictatorial edicts from bodies such as the Race Relations Commission. Playing into the hands of the real enemies of freedom, with no pretence even at public consultation, it recently approached United Nations fellow travellers with plans to punish ‘disharmonious speech’. […]
[…]The manipulative tactics to prevent speakers presenting views which the Left does not want others to hear, by conjuring up a threat to  public safety, had Auckland Mayor Phil Goff obligingly forcing the cancellation of the speaking event scheduled for the two ‘alt-right’  Canadians at a council-owned but public venue. That this is now the subject of a court challenge by a newly formed Free Speech Coalition is a  hopeful indication of the turning of the tide in this country.
[…] A weaselised concern for ‘safe places’ is increasingly used to prevent others from challenging the reinvented history advanced by radicalised Maori minorities. The Local Government Organisation is now attempting to remove from local councils ratepayers’ ability to vote against implementing Maori local wards. All those voting to date have been implacably opposed to this divisive provision –  including paying for non-elected, ‘Maori’ members. The definition of who actually qualifies as Maori was removed in the 1970s – for obvious reasons. We’ve achieved the farcical situation where anyone who now ‘feels’ Maori can be classified as such in the Census. There are no longer any actual full-blooded Maori.
The Treaty of Waitangi gravy train of handouts also continues to roll on, although the Maori economy, in the hands of wealthy iwi  (neo-tribal power groups) is now worth $50 billion –  most of which has  not been handed down to others of Maori descent. Moreover, it is having a disastrous effect on our now corrupted universities and research institutions where it is wealthy iwi today who primarily determine who will or won’t receive support for research funding  – very much depending upon whether or not supposed Maori interests are going to be prioritised.
But isn’t racial bullying just, as Sowell warned, bullying?
