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The Rich Kids Funding Eco-Terrorism

Clearly a sane, level-headed citizen. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

I recently reported on Australia’s feckless, spoiled rich kids who try to atone for their unearned wealth and essential uselessness by splurging mummy and daddy’s fortune on endless woke political causes. Most especially, climate change.

But, hey, they could be worse. Another spoiled, useless rich kid, Osama bin Laden, used his daddy’s wealth to fund global terrorism, most notoriously, the 9/11 attacks.

As it happens, bin Laden has plenty of would-be acolytes among America’s ultra-wealthy leftists.

Extinction Rebellion – the radical environmental group funded by American millionaires with a global reach – have reaffirmed their support of eco-terrorism.

This call to violence came after David Suzuki, known as the godfather of the Canadian environmental movement, spoke at a recent Extinction Rebellion rally and called for blowing up pipelines.

Suzuki, creepy little coward that he is, quickly backed down, but Extinction Rebellion are adamant about following the dirty, green old man’s call to arms.

“The statement by David Suzuki is a prediction of what is to come as the desperation of ordinary people increases while governments fail to address the climate and ecological emergency, and disasters and climate chaos destroy people’s lives.”

Later, a key leader with Extinction Rebellion went even further with threats of violence against government and business leaders. Vancouver Is Awesome reported:

“‘Not only will pipelines be blown up, but we can be certain that world leaders will be put on trial for treason or worse – be killed,’ says Zain Haq, Extinction Rebellion Canada’s National Action & Strategy Coordinator. ‘Although Extinction Rebellion activists are nonviolent, we cannot control the actions of those outside of this movement who may commit acts of violence.’”

So, who’s funding these nascent eco-terrorists? America’s elite scions are following in Osama’s bloody footsteps.

“You might find yourself asking, ‘Who helps pays for this activism?’ The answer, in part, is the scions of some of America’s most famous families, including the Kennedys and the Gettys.”

That would be referring to Rory Kennedy (daughter of former U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy) and Aileen Getty (a granddaughter of former U.S. oil businessman Jean Paul Getty), who started the Climate Emergency Fund which has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to Extinction Rebellion. Getty’s foundation even touts its support for Extinction Rebellion […]

And in the United Kingdom, Extinction Rebellion receives support from hedge fund manager Sir Chris Hohn. Earlier this year, The Guardian reported that Hohn “paid himself just shy of £1m-a-day last year,” and is using his wealth to support the group […]

Hohn is also the founder of the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, which spends heavily on climate activism.

Suzuki himself has received massive funding from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, as well as a cool million from the Packard Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, and Bullitt Foundation.

And lest you think it’s all just a bunch of nutters playing dress-ups and glueing themselves to roads, it’s worth paying attention to what they’re openly saying they’re going to do.

The comments from Suzuki and Extinction Rebellion aren’t the first-time eco-terrorists have incited violence and calls for damaging pipelines. In 2017, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued a report warning that a $900 million pipeline in Oklahoma could be the target of eco-terrorism attacks similar to those against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Pennsylvania State Police also released a joint report on possible eco-terrorism directed at well sites, while in Iowa, two eco-terrorists “caused significant damage” to pipeline infrastructure by deliberately starting fires.

Even when there aren’t attempts to “blow up” pipelines, there has been vandalism against pipelines, including this past summer when protesters in Minnesota tried to stop construction of the Line 3 pipeline arguing environmental justice concerns for Native Americans. However, these not-so-peaceful protesters turned to vandalism and property destruction against Native-owned businesses.

Energy In Depth

There are few things less dangerous than a spoiled rich kid with a guilt complex, who thinks they need to prove their revolutionary credentials to the world — and have the money to make it happen.

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