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Chris Sellars

Scientific Method – the system of advancing knowledge by formulating a question, collecting data about it through observation and experiment, and testing a hypothetical answer.

Over a century ago there was rivalry between two French research scientists who apparently had too much time on their hands. The first was Louis Pasteur who formulated what is now known as ‘Germ Theory’ and Anton Béchamp who formulated what is now known as ‘Exosome theory’. These are different theories to explain the cause and treatment of certain virus-related diseases. Impossible as it is to summarise their life’s work, in general terms, Pasteur’s method was to attack the pathogen: kill the bad germ and in so doing cure the patient. Béchamp on the other hand advocated treating the patient and making the ‘terrain’ healthy so no pathogen could lodge there. There is still debate today as to who was more correct in their diagnosis. Contrary to what some may say, the science is still far from settled. Before his death, Pasteur conceded that Béchamp’s theory was probably more correct.

Béchamp wrote:

“The general public however intelligent are struck only by that which takes little trouble to understand. They are told that the interior of the body is something more or less like the contents of a vessel filled with wine .and that this interior is not injured, that we do not become ill, except that germs, originally created morbid, penetrate from without and then become microbes. The public do not know weather this is true. They do not even know what a microbe is, but they take it on the word of the master. They believe it because it is simple and easy to understand. They believe and they repeat that the microbe makes us ill without enquiring further because they have not the leisure or perhaps not the capacity to probe to the depths that which they are asked to believe‘. I quote Mr BeChamp because long before this supposed pandemic he summed up what has occurred. I also quote him to illustrate that I am not the only writer who writes near incomprehensible prose. So for those without a dictionary handy I will paraphrase, ‘People don’t understand the science involved so they believe what they are told without looking further’’.

Although there is big money to be made by creating drugs to kill microbes there is little profit in teaching people how to be healthy. Consequently over the last century germ theory has been given the nod.

In relation to our current situation, Mark Twain perhaps said it best, “its easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled”.

If you are scared of a virus you know nothing about. If you believe that those in power have suddenly started telling the truth and have your best interests at heart. If you refuse to see that there is a much different agenda here and that the end goal is the same as it always has been throughout the ages. Then by all means stay home, wear your mask, plug yourself into your television, read your corporate-controlled newspaper, and do what the Government tells you. I certainly support your decision to do what you think is right no matter how absurd that may be. I only ask that you allow those of us who differ from this view to go about our business freely also.

There are no facts to support the concept that COVID-19 is any sort of existential threat to the vast majority of people. There are some indisputable facts though. The Ardern-Peters government declared a state of emergency for a phenomenon that has an attributed death rate less than 20% of the average suicide rate or the average road toll over a corresponding period of time.

They have used this declared state of emergency to pass, under urgency, the COVID-19  Emergency Response Health Act. This law when invoked transfers sole supreme executive power into the hands of the Prime Minister. Completely undermining our civil liberties, it is in direct contradiction to, and suspends safeguards provided by, ‘The Bill of Human Rights Act 1990’.

Although there is much talk about ‘believing the science’, as far as stemming the transmission of contagious diseases goes there is a dearth of empirical data regarding the quarantining of asymptomatic (healthy) people, physical distancing, rubber gloves and the wearing of dust or surgical masks. I could not find a single peer-reviewed paper, thesis, test, experiment or study that would support the assumptions that such measures are helpful. There is though mountains of evidence that stress caused through fear and anxiety, isolation from naturally occurring pathogens, re-breathing in your own stale CO2-laden exhalation and attempting to eradicate viruses through obsessive hand washing can and does compromise natural immune response which is the real and natural defence against all sickness.

The following questions have not been addressed. They are helpful when confronting those that have swallowed the propaganda hook line and sinker.

  • If masks work why do we need to practice social distancing?
  • If social distancing works why was there a need for a lockdown?
  • If any or all of these measures are in any way effective why is there a need for a vaccine?
  • How does a virus count the number of people in a shop?

Any reader still not convinced can find additional reading. Just released and rapidly climbing the bestseller list is Dr Thomas Cowan’s book ‘The Contagion Myth’: Why viruses including Coronavirus are not the cause of disease. Adding authenticity to this work it has been banned by Amazon but is available at Barnes and Noble for just over twenty NZ dollars.

© Worzel 2020.

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