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Better than a bridge. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

It will not be lost on the government, like all political participants with their finger always in the wind, that the latest lockdown has been badly received.

That said, I feel it was justified in Auckland given the wide-spread movements of the culprit family. In the event, happily, it appears the alarm of contagion hasn’t eventuated.

But here’s the puzzle. Why on earth include the South Island? That seemed totally unnecessary, even at level two.

Feel for New Zealand Cricket with a large expense from hosting the visiting Aussies and having to play, not once but twice in an empty Wellington stadium. There was no reason to include most of the North Island, but the South Island was simply ridiculous.

Imagine if one of the two games scheduled for the capital, had been transferred to Invercargill and the other to say Nelson. The result; packed arenas.

Despite the being “first in queue” outright falsehood for vaccines, it’s evident we will trail the world and thus probably there will be further lapses, most likely in Auckland.

Should that occur, let’s have a more sensitive lockdown response with the closures confined to the affected regions.

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