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The Sinister Silliness of Rainbow Police Cars

Thought Policing with a Rainbow truncheon. The BFD.

We live in an age which is simultaneously fatuously silly and deadly totalitarian. Aldous Huxley couldn’t have satirised our age, although George Orwell warned where we were headed.

There’s perhaps no better avatar of our silly, totalitarian age than a “rainbow police car”.

Police are replacing patrol cars with “hate crime cars” to encourage people to report incidents such as social media comments.

Deputy Chief Constable Julie Cooke said that the cars painted with the police insignia and rainbow designs are now “part of our vehicle fleet” and will be driven daily by officers on patrol.
Thought Policing with a Rainbow truncheon. The BFD.

Of course, there’s a “diversity officer” whose made-up job depends entirely on conjuring up imaginary “non-crime hate incidents” (I’m not making that up) and vigorously pursuing them, to the exclusion of staggering rates of actual crimes. You know, footling stuff like rape, armed robbery and murder.

Ms Cooke, the National Police Chiefs’ Council’s (NPCC) lead on LGBT issues […] Describing them as “hate crime cars”, she said that forces are “always replacing vehicles” and they get the police insignia and “there will normally be then something added on that is to do with the rainbow side of things”[…]

She said that the “cost is quite minimal”, but the impact is “huge”.

The cost, in fact, is far from minimal. Because while police are hunting down Facebook and Twitter users for ruffling the feathers of some snowflake ‘bum-bandit’, the actual bandits are literally getting away with murder.

However, critics have said that forces should instead focus on policing “real” issues such as knife crime and rape, with the latest figures showing poor prosecution rates[…]

Harry Miller, a former police officer and founder of campaign group Fair Cop, said: “We don’t see the Met with special cars for knife crime, even though the number of stabbings in London is appalling.

More far-reaching is the fact that “rainbow cars” and everything they represent, strips away any pretence that the police are a politically neutral force.

“The problem is that the second that you see a rainbow car, you know that it is a police force that has made its mind up about some very contentious issues. You no longer see a police car or a police officer who is there to support everyone, from all political persuasions, without fear or favour.

“They have literally tied their colours to the mast and painted their cars with their political leanings. They are painting rainbows on their cars when we have figures showing that only seven per cent of violent crime ends in a prosecution.

“They have moved from policing crime to policing thoughts and speech, because it is easier”[…]

Even where a crime has not been committed, police record the allegation as a “hate incident”, which could show up on a person’s criminal record checks.

The Telegraph

The same “soft target”, politically-motivated mentality is also why, at the same time that official data shows that there are tens of thousands of jihadis roaming free in Britain, police vigorously pursue pro-British activists like Tommy Robinson.

But then, Tommy and his followers aren’t going to set off bombs that mutilate dozens of little girls at pop concerts just because they’re “offended”.

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