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The Stealth Campaign to Eradicate the Anglo-Saxon

Cultural jealousy is a curse.

A sight to send an academic screaming for their safe space. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

We’re continually browbeaten that The Great Replacement is just a ‘racist conspiracy theory’. While it’s no doubt true that some people try to draw attention to the phenomenon for racist reasons, that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Contrariwise, the people who most vociferously deny that it’s happening are quite obviously doing so for very racist reasons of their own: to deny that white people, Anglo-Saxons especially, have any reason to even exist.

These are, after all, the same people who endlessly celebrate that mass immigration from the Third World is rapidly making white people minorities in their own nations. ‘White America Must Embrace Becoming a Minority.’ ‘Every white person should be a minority.’ Even the former US President chimed in: ‘White Minority Status not a Bad Thing’, said Joe Biden.

Try saying that about any other racial group.

So, don’t feed us the lie that it’s not happening. It very much is, and it’s not restricted to brute demographic change. Erasing almost every aspect of white culture and history, or ‘blackwashing’ it and stealing it, is even more insidious. As Mark ‘Count Dankula’ Meechan observes, there’s a sinister agenda at work: White people don’t have any culture or history, nor do they belong anywhere. Not even their own indigenous homelands.

This is the grotesque lie of the ‘pro-Palestinian’ cult: that Jews, whom they regard as ‘white-adjacent’, have no right to even exist in the ancient Jewish homeland.

They’re not even waiting until they’re done with the Jews before they start on white people.

In recent years the study of human ancient DNA – extracted from excavated remains rather than living people – has become so popular that scientists are trying to clamp down on the number of samples taken from long-dead individuals.

The research keeps coming, however, and it can be hard to keep up. One recent project might have passed unnoticed outside of its specialism, but for one thing: Silvia Ghirotto, one of the scientists, told a journalist the people who built Stonehenge probably had ‘dark features’.

In other words, they were black.

This is a complete lie, of course. As is the claim that Ancient Briton ‘Cheddar Man’ was ‘black’ and so were the Ancient Irish. Not only is the DNA technology used to make such claims notoriously unreliable, but the proponents are deliberately distorting their own data. What the data says is that the Ancient Britons were ‘darker’. That’s very far from ‘black’. What it means is what was long known anyway: Ancient Britons tended to be swarthier than most of their descendants. That is, they were a light tan colour, like modern Greeks or Italians.

Atinuke, an award-winning Nigerian-born author, recently wrote Brilliant Black British History. Beautifully illustrated by Kingsley Nebechi, it won the 2024 British Book Awards book of the year for children’s non-fiction. ‘The first Britons’, writes Atinuke, ‘like all Western Europeans in those days… were Black’. As were the people who built Stonehenge. Later came the Celts, who were ‘white migrants’, enslaved by further immigrants, ‘important Black and white Romans’.

Both of these arguments are wrong […]

The racial terms ‘white’ or ‘Black’, are tied to the US history of slavery and the civil rights movement, and contemporary issues of African American politics. They are irrelevant when discussing earlier societies. Ancient DNA shows it’s wrong to think of early people in Britain as ‘white’ in the sense that they were pale-skinned, because they were mostly darker. But Black – note the capital B – doesn’t work either. Dark-skinned, black-haired people living in Britain 10,000 years ago had European ancestry. They were not in any sense African.

Why are they doing this? Stonehenge is one of the wonders of the prehistoric world: an assemblage of massive stone megaliths that is, in fact, an impressively accurate astronomical clock. Nothing like it exists in Sub-Saharan Africa. Even Great Zimbabwe is a relatively modern construction, first settled during the European Middle Ages.

So, one motive appears to be basic cultural jealousy. People whose ancestors’ greatest architectural achievements until modern times were mud huts, trying to lay claim to the wonders built millennia before by other cultures and people.

More sinister still, though, is the clear agenda to erase whites, Anglo-Saxons especially, from the history books altogether.

Cambridge University Press […] has decided that ‘Anglo-Saxon’ is no longer a description of the Germanic tribes who invaded southern Britain after the departure of the Romans, fought the Vikings, became the subjects of Norman colonial overlords, and gave us much of our language, but is in some unspecified manner racist.

It announced a few days ago that it is renaming its ‘Anglo-Saxon England’ academic journal ‘Early Medieval England and its Neighbours’.

One of the most zealous Anglo-Saxon erasers is, in classic Long March Left style, destroying Anglo-Saxon scholarship from within. The Afro-Caribbean Dr Mary Rambaran-Olm got herself elected vice president of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists (ISAS) and in her victory speech declared herself a “woman of colour and Anglo-Saxonist”. Which might be fair enough: plenty of non-Chinese are erudite scholars of Chinese literature and history, after all.

But then came her real agenda:

She then denounced ‘Anglo-Saxon’ as a racist term and resigned because she could no longer possibly be associated with Anglo-Saxon studies in any form […] Her destructive aims achieved, Dr Rambaran-Olm retired like a tricoteuse to concentrate on her knitting.

Rather like Madame Defarge, one suspects.

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Yes, Mandates Matter

Yes, Mandates Matter

Dutton needs to come out with clear, explicit pledges to vastly cut immigration and to fight the culture wars (a vote-winning issue, I promise you). I’d also like to see him revisit Net Zero and promise to get out.

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He Is Not Chastened

He Is Not Chastened

Most in Polkinghorne’s situation would have been relieved at the not guilty verdict, gratefully taken it as a win and left matters to rest rather than rake over the coals. But not this raging egotist, apparently.

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