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The Thing That Doesn’t Happen…

Just lie back and think of diversity.

How does this thing that never happens just keep happening? It’s a helluva conundrum, ain’t it?

I’m talking, of course, about creepy perverts using “transgender” ideology to predate on women and children. Often in dressing rooms and public toilets.

Which is weird, because, according to the “Rainbow” groomer lobby, such a thing never, ever happens. It was never going to happen: when all us hateful bigots fretted that men in dresses would use “transgender bathroom rules” to creep on women and kids, we were slapped down, tout de suite. How dare we even whisper such horrible, transphobic hate?

And it never has happened. Just ask the social media ladyboys and assorted pooferati.

It’s just so weird that all this transphobic stuff just keeps on happening.

Trans-identifying woman [Laverne Waskahat, 47, of Edmonton], all 5-foot-11 and 170 pounds of her, has been re-arrested one day after being released from jail and back onto the streets of Edmonton. They had been released Monday.

And everyone from the cops to Mrs. Kowalski is aghast. That taste of freedom is over. And almost everyone could see it coming.

That’s because we’re all just transphobic bigots, they’ll have you know. I mean, who are you going to believe? A Twitter soyboy in a dress, or your lyin’ eyes?

After Waskahat was released from custody on Monday she quickly vanished and failed to report to her parole officer and an arrest warrant was issued.

Cops tracked Waskahat to a west Edmonton hotel after being tipped off and they quickly arrested her.

Inside the room was a baby crib, diapers, scores of alleged pornographic drawings and a laptop.

This, is despite Waskahat being issued a lifetime order prohibiting [her] him from using the internet, let alone owning a computer.

Some of the twisted child pornography on her secret phone and laptop allegedly involved children in diapers. They were under the age of three.

But, of course, the hulking tranny pedo is the real victim.

In that particular entanglement, her lawyers, of course, asked for a Gladue report to determine if the child pornographer’s Indigenous background had a hand in her circumstances.

Toronto Sun

Is there anything they won’t try and blame on “colonisation”?

But our long-suffering First Nations Kiddy Fiddler is far from the only tranny lurking in toilet blocks with ill intent.

A man has confessed to targeting prepubescent girls in supermarket restrooms for voyeurism and coercive, violent sexual attacks.

Katie Dolatowski, an 18-year-old who was born male and identifies as a woman, attempted to film a 12-year-old girl at Asda Halbeath, Dunfermline as she used the restroom on 8 February 2018 […]

A month later, on March 4, Mr Dolatowski stalked a 10-year-old girl into a supermarket restroom in Morrisons, Kirkcaldy. He grabbed the girl by the face and forced her back into a cubicle as she was exiting.

Here’s the best part, though: the cross-dressing predator got beat up by a 10-year-old girl.

The child, however, fought back, punching the sexual predator in the face, stomach and groin before running to her father and siblings, who were waiting for her near the restroom.

The girl was hysterical following the incident and has since suffered flashbacks, her mother reports.

Naturally, the “progressive” Scottish “justice” system turned the tranny creeper loose with some community service.

Oh, and a taxpayer-funded henhouse.

While completing his work order, the convicted sexual predator moved into a women’s hostel for homeless offenders in Fife, where he shared a bathroom with female residents.

When the media reported on Mr Dolatowski’s living arrangements, female residents shared their fears with reporters.

Women Are Human

Tsk, tsk. Such transphobic bigotry.

If these prowling fetishists haven’t put you off your lunch yet, there’s plenty more of what never happens, happening.

A 35-year-old woman was using a gender-neutral restroom on November 16, 2015 when she noticed a bag “protruding from underneath a neighboring stall.” Realizing that she was being filmed, she rushed out with the intention of confronting the suspected perpetrator. She saw the suspect hurry into a stall beside one occupied by a different woman, she said, and warned that woman before reporting the incident to Potomac Mills security […]

According to police, a 53-year-old woman alerted them on May 15 that a man dressed in women’s clothing had stood in front of her stall and used a mirror to try to peep at her through an opening […]

On October 11, a 35-year-old victim struggled with the suspect after he attempted to peep through an opening in a restroom stall to view her and her 5-year-old daughter. He was able to escape. According to the victim, the suspect was dressed in women’s clothing.

Women Are Human

The suspect was eventually arrested — and such is the hate directed at the trans community that police “deadnamed” “her” as one Richard Rodriguez.

No doubt police will be swiftly sent for re-education, and the poor, traumatised tranny properly compensated by the local version of the Human Rights Commission.

Because none of this happens: just ask the rainbow activists. Anything you may think happened is just a figment of your bigoted, cis-normative hate.


State of the Nation 2025

State of the Nation 2025

That government agencies are effectively thumbing their noses at official directives and getting away with it without consequences is totally unacceptable. Until the coalition confronts and defeats this ‘enemy within’, their own policy platform remains largely ineffective.

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