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The Topham Guerin Taint of Success

The BFD. Kiwis Ben Guerin and Sean Topham

Welcome to the left, where competence is controversial, lies are truth, and truth itself springs only from the left, for the benefit of the left. Want to try some?

It was always going to get their mits in a mangle, the luvvies and the shouty-people, when Topham Guerin was contracted to advance the COVID-19 messaging for the “All-of-Government” response to the menace, for Topham Guerin, dear people, are tainted.

The BFD.

Tainted with success after working for (draw a deep breath and hold your nose) Mr Johnson of UK notoriety, and that awful Mr Morrison from the West Island. That simply will not do.

The BFD.

Only correct success is an acceptable hire; Morrison and Johnson are incorrect successes. Topham Guerin have to go. So, barely a week after announcing their involvement, Topham Guerin have been terminated.

The BFD.

This, of course, is not political, don’t be silly.

The ongoing Orwellian parody of COVID-Crisis Management, Version-NZ.1 doesn’t need input from anyone: it writes itself. Just listen to the telescreen where someone is speaking – it’s not Big Brother, nor Big Sister. We don’t know who it is, just someone important and anonymous, so let’s just say Big Knob.

“A spokesperson for the All of Government Covid-19 response said the ad work had been taken in-house. During the establishment of the Operations Command Centre (OCC), Topham Geurin (sic) was contracted to provide surge capacity for social media support. This service is no longer required as we have built in-house capacity, and the contract has been brought to an end,” they said.”

Lordy, lord, they “built in-house capacity”, in a week, one week, yes Dear; now take your medication.

Apart from the blue tinge from being exposed to the ‘wrong’ team, what can the first Stuff article point to as “controversial” about the two blokes? Well, the sole claim is:

“The firm has copped criticism from the left for deploying ‘digital dark arts‘, criticisms it refutes.”

“Criticisms”, plural? The only evidence for this single ‘criticism’ derives from Tim Murphy, remember him? Does the author of ‘The Herald’s Demise’ wring any knells? Anyways, Murphy says:

“Melbourne-based tweeter Ted Gibbons accused Topham Guerin of having “deployed their digital dark arts to shamelessly hoodwink the Aussie public”

Oh, dear, that sounds just terrible…but, wait a minute. Ted Gibbons? Who? Ted Whoooo? ‘Ted Gibbons’ typically receives zero response to anything, at all, he spits out from behind his twitcom: nothing. Zero comments, zero re-tweets, zero likes, and zero downloads, but his handful of followers, we presume, must include ace-reporter Mr Tim Murphy, a fellow who seems compromised enough source-wise to pretend Gibbons’s little ethernet excretions have some sort of meaning to anybody outside the fellow’s own basement.

The BFD.

Do you see what they did there? The lefties from Stuff describe the pair of pol-comm’s blokes as “controversial”, in a headline, no less, claiming some sort of “criticism from the left…dark arts” n’all. The only source for the claim is fellow lefty Murphy who quotes a darkened-corner-of-the-internet-dwelling, no-reach, almost completely ignored no-influence numpty, but, importantly: a lefty. He describes his source as ‘a Melbourne-based tweeter’, when, in fact ‘a Melbourne-based hooker’ would have more credibility, many many times more.

To fair-minded people that ain’t evidence of ‘controversy’ at all, and it’s extremely misleading to say so. It’s actual bulldust, it’s fake news, it’s a joke, it’s everything we’ve come to expect from Stuff, and from Murphy. It’s not proof, but it’s enough; enough to get the Wellington Whispering-machine underway, and Topham Guerin good and gone.

Job done. Good Stuff.
Did I say: Welcome to The Left? It’s paradise, believe me, they said so.

Ben Guerin and Sean Topham Photo: Instagram Their alchemy helped consign the Labor Party to another three years in political purgatory.

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