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Photo by Kyle

As Orwell described it in 1984, the Memory Hole was the means by which The Party controlled the past, the present and the future. When history was only ever what The Party said it was, the present was only ever what the Party said it was.

Oceania is at war with Eurasia; therefore Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.

There’s a whole lotta Memory-Holing going on, right now.

There is now a mass wiping of servers of these and other institutions of all references to Mermaids, a UK-based lobby group and NGO that has long identified its constituency as “transgender children” and their parents. And Mermaids is no outlier in the industry that seeks the expansion of childhood medical “gender transition” as it has consistently encouraged policy changes within the British government and its agencies to effect the quickest possible transition times of the highest number of children with the fewest safeguards in place. In 2018, Mermaids received £500,000 in lottery funding to this end.

In other words, Mermaids was at the pinnacle of the tranny establishment. Not only was it rolling in taxpayer’s money, it had enormous clout over government policy and the mainstream media narrative. In terms of its power to summarily cancel and un-person the politically incorrect, it was second only to maybe Stonewall or Hope Not Hate.

Now, like celebrities with chummy selfies with Jimmy Savile or Jeffrey Epstein, everyone suddenly wants to forget.

How is it that in less than two years, Mermaids has gone from being the star charity ostensibly championing the rights of children to now being silently removed from the BBC and NHS websites in their information and support sections as all the claims that puberty blockers such as Lupron are “reversible” have also disappeared?

More importantly, why is it now commonplace in recent weeks that the media and public figures as well as private and public institutions have in stealth removed mention of Mermaids and the cheerleading of “childhood transition” from their accounts or servers as if a damnatio memoriae rivalling China’s removal of Zhao Ziyang from most every public record available in China?

Savage Minds

At the same time, celebrities and activists are scrubbing their social media accounts of any mention of mermaids. Why would that be?

A trustee of the charity Mermaids has resigned after reports he spoke at a conference organised by a group that promotes support for paedophiles.


Remember when it was a baseless, right-wing conspiracy theory to suggest that transgenderism was being used as a Trojan horse to normalise paedophilia?

Just ignore all the trans activists and “Drag Queen Story Hour” participants who are convicted paedophiles or paedophile sympathists.

Leaving the creepy paedophilia activism aside, Mermaids, despite its claim to “help children”, seems very much in the business of harming them a lot, perhaps permanently.

But, even more importantly, the sudden rush from the “progressive” left to dissociate themselves from Mermaids suggests that the tide is at last turning on the sleazy transgender movement.

Today, here we are in the midst of a tide-turning moment where transgender ideology is being rejected en masse by gay and straight people, men and women alike.

And, just like that, the Establishment is falling over themselves to scrub the historical record and claim that they were Resistance all along, not collaborators.

Now that the gender narrative is falling apart quickly, many of its proponents are running for cover skipping over to the very side they previously denounced as “wrong.” Of course, these individuals will happily prefer their slogans be forgotten, to have their tweets removed and their websites altered from public record.

Savage Minds

Just as they’re backtracking as fast as they can on the lies they told about Covid vaccines.

They must never be allowed to get away with scurrying back into the shadows as if nothing ever happened.


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