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The Tyrant Cannot Take Away Our Summer

woman in brown sun hat lying on sand during daytime
Photo by Rafael Cisneros Méndez. The BFD.

It is doubtful that Jacinda Ardern would recognise actual kindness because it is distinctly different from the fake variety that she and her tyrannical ministers peddle.

They rage like roaring lions over a populace where many are still fearful, fully expecting to be locked down over summer if Auckland DHBs don’t reach their quota of 90% fully vaccinated.

Some of us respond to this ridiculous posturing the same epic way Rhett Butler responded to Scarlett O’Hara: “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn!”

Meme credit The BFD.

We are tired of being bullied, cajoled, threatened, lied to and spoken to like naughty little children.

Summer is upon us: the only way you will take this pleasure away is by prising it from our cold, dead hands.
woman in brown sun hat lying on sand during daytime
Photo by Rafael Cisneros Méndez. The BFD.

Ardern can slap her manky, makeup slathered, bacteria-ridden mask back on her face for the cameras while we breathe fresh air, sunshine and spring flowers as we walk and chat to our neighbours. Remember the Ardern directive at the start of Auckland’s current lockdown: “Seniors, don’t leave your homes and don’t talk to your neighbours either!”

We refuse to cower at home behind closed doors, too terrified to go outside in case Covid tackles us to the ground and drags us off kicking and screaming to the great hereafter. “No!” we say, “The worm has turned!

We will not swap actual freedom for Ardern’s false promises of safety, because the cost is too great.

There are bigger issues than wearing manky masks and being treated as second class citizens.

The arrival of Covid inspired Ardern’s tyranny in leaps and bounds. After introducing the Three Waters Reform in 2020, councils were paid $2.7M to sign non-binding Memoranda of Understanding with the Crown. This year the government promised the 67 independent councils a whopping $2.5B to be apportioned among them based on population (75 percent), deprivation (20 percent) and land area (5 percent).

Despite $3.5 million spent on advertising to convince the public to support Three Waters, a poll funded by the Taxpayers’ Union found just 19 per cent of New Zealanders agree with Ardern’s Three Waters reforms, 56 per cent are opposed and 24 per cent are unsure.

Naturally, the tyrants did it anyway. The Three Waters Bill was passed into law on 27 October.

Councils will retain the drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater assets on their balance sheets while handing over 50% control of the management to Iwi.

“Local iwi representatives will also be at the table of each [new] water entity. Mahuta said there would be a 50-50 split on the water entities’ boards between council and iwi representatives.”


Ardern kept He Puapua well hidden from the public until an OIA threw sunlight on their shonky scheme to undermine democracy.

If the NZ media did their jobs properly, the public would be jumping up and down about a handful of agitators claiming to represent 16% of the population while seizing control of 50% of the country’s water assets.

We resist the loss of public control over public assets because the price is too high.

Resistance is growing. The media can spin the lie that protestors for freedom are simply anti-vaxxers, but their voices and placards tell the truth.

We value our freedom and we want it back.

Media reported that the latest Auckland protest was 5,000 people, possibly a third of the actual turnout, with Voices for Freedom estimating that 50,000 people nationwide peacefully protested.

The protest for freedom movement is growing, and this week Wanganui protestors forced Ardern to abandon two media stand-ups outside vaccination centres.

Ardern has avoided Auckland like the plague. A public appearance will bring a barrage of questions she is reluctant to answer or cannot answer.

The power can move back to the people, into our hands. If we keep the pressure on we can Make Ardern Go Away.

We will not be bullied. We will not be bought off with trinkets and false promises. We demand equality and we reject racial hierarchy and discrimination based on vaccination status. We choose freedom!

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