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Photo by Hello I’m Nik. The BFD.

Alwyn Poole

What we are told by health professionals:

The vaccine is well tested, safe and effective.

Or this:

“The researchers found that fully immunised participants were 25 times less likely to test positive for Covid-19 than were those who were unvaccinated. Findings like this imply that if vaccinated people are so well protected from getting infected at all, they are also unlikely to spread the virus.”


And yet my wife, Karen, after a compassionate trip to the USA is doing another 11 days in MIQ because according to our Ministry of Health:

“It is too early to confirm if people who have been vaccinated can transmit COVID-19.”

We are also completely ignoring that there are now incredible therapeutics (e.g. that would allow normal life if we chose as Karen experienced in the USA with no travel restrictions.

Her granddaughter will be born in Auckland on Monday at the latest.
I wrote to the Ministry of Health (and MBIE – who have not yet replied)

Dear MOH

My wife, Karen, is in MIQ – 3rd day – and already with a negative COVID test.

This is despite having been vaccinated in the USA (with documentation), having been in a low risk part of NY State (where she travelled to support someone who had experienced a significant health issue), living with people who have been vaccinated, being willing to self-isolate and undergo 2, and 5 days tests.

Why the push to get people vaccinated if our own Ministry of Health doesn’t recognise the efficacy? She will be far more at risk in MIQ than in her own home.

She has even been denied the opportunity to exercise in the last two days locked in her room for 24 hours because “the spaces were booked up”.

Could you find out about this urgently please and see to her release to self-isolate.


Alwyn Poole

This is their nameless reply.

Kia ora Alwyn,

Thank you for contacting the Ministry of Health.
As you may be aware, border controls are a key tool for stopping the introduction and spread of COVID-19 from overseas. The purpose of managed isolation is to ensure people do not have COVID-19 before they return to our communities.

It is too early to confirm if people who have been vaccinated can transmit COVID-19. Therefore, individuals who have been vaccinated still need to complete 14 days in managed isolation and quarantine upon arrival to New Zealand, unless they are arriving from a quarantine-free travel country.

Health officials are continually monitoring the science surrounding the COVID-19 response and providing advice for the consideration of Cabinet as and when appropriate. Any future changes to managed isolation and quarantine requirements will be communicated at the time any decisions are made.

Regarding your complaint about the exercise booking process, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) are the lead agency for managed isolation and quarantine facilities in New Zealand. We advise that you raise your concerns with them directly.

Further details about their complaints procedures can be found at the following link:

Nga mihi nui
COVID-19 Response and Co-ordination Teaa
Ministry of Health

Do your bit to keep New Zealand COVID free; practice good hygiene (includes washing your hands often and coughing into your elbow), sign into places using the NZ COVID Tracer app, if you’re unwell stay home and get tested.

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