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The Way the World Actually Works

doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result Charlie Brown football Lucy
“NZ is not moving to a phase where we are just tolerating Covid around us,” […] “We are still going to have a very aggressive approach with Covid.”

Jacinda Ardern tvnz

The PM is not moving anywhere on her stance. She remains committed to her ideological recklessness. People though are beginning to disagree with her, publicly and collectively, as the freedom marchers and picnickers abundantly demonstrated again this weekend.  Numbers have, of course, been fudged by the MSM but they were undeniably significant at possibly 40,000 across the country.

“We carved our own path then, and we can do that again” claimed  Jacinda Ardern, on her path to deliver us from our right to choose, our right to make our own decisions and our right to work without fear of state interference. The path she is taking is dangerous for her, and as the latest Roy Morgan poll shows, it is costing her, chipping away at her support base.

“Labour support is down, and confidence rating drops to lowest since Jacinda Adern became PM in 2017. The governing parties are now only 6 points ahead of the Parliamentary opposition of National/Act/Maori.” […]

“Women continue to favour Labour-Greens while men favour Act-National.”

It is time for some serious thinking by the women of this country.  A sad indictment on them is that they continue to be taken in by hair and teeth, a boyfriend and a three-year-old.  “She saaaaaved us, isn’t she luuvvly?” is said far too often.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.  This is known as Einstein’s Parable of Quantum Insanity.  To put it another way, Niels Bohr, friend and sparring partner of Einstein, said, “naivety is doing the same thing over and over, and always expecting the same result.”

Lockdowns are not working and yet the Government continues to use them as a very blunt instrument, wielded over and over again.

Winston Peters has called the Government out saying alert restrictions worked last year, but not anymore.

“I know too many people whose lives have been turned from great success to utterly wrecked.”

He also called on the PM to visit Auckland to see the pain the lockdown is causing.

And now the Far North is locked down in L3 again because the naughty northerners do not wish to be vaccinated. A $4.6-million carrot was the bribe this time.

This $4.6-million is part of the $23.5 million for eight Maori organisations and iwi aimed at boosting Maori vaccination rates, through the new $120 million Maori Communities Covid-19 fund announced a week ago. This Phase One funding round proposal for Te Tai Tokerau includes:

  • Support for iwi and marae communities
  • Mobile vaccination clinics
  • Events for rangitahi
  • Targeted communications and an 0800 call centre which includes priority areas such as Kaikohe, Otangerei, Raumanga and Kaitaiai East and West.

$4.6 million.  Extra.  Unbelievable.

How can it possibly make sense to track down isolated people living in isolated areas to threaten and bribe them to be vaccinated to prevent an isolated outbreak?

Way up North. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

It might be in the next valley over. It will hunt you down. It will cross hills and dales; it will traverse the mighty Mangamukas and BOOM.   Got ya. The costs, inducements, and bribes involved in pursuing this latest ID parade in Northland are outrageous. It is effectively a bounty on the heads of those who wish to remain outside the scope of this mandated madness. They have had ample time to respond. They are not living under rocks. They do not wish to be jabbed.

If Jacinda, wanted this to be compulsory she should have said so from the get-go. She would, in all likelihood, have achieved the same outcome, but it would have been a lot cheaper for the country. Introducing a rolling maul of compliance mandates for workers and professionals is either very naïve or very stupid.

The ongoing and growing snowball of negative effects continues, and National is now calling for 100,000 hours of free counselling sessions to respond to growing mental stress caused by Covid-19.

So what do you think? Is the Government’s determination to do the same things over and over again an illustration of Einstein or Bohr’s theory? Is it insanity or naivety?


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