As the trans bus plummets down the cliffs of Rainbow “progressivism”, there are more and more signs that the wreckage is piling up at the bottom. Unfortunately, too much of the wreckage are the young and innocent who’ve been preyed on by sleazy activists, and, too often, the people who should have known better and protected them from the rainbow rockspiders.
In a mirror of the horror of Rotherham and Telford, too many people in positions of responsibility, from medical professionals to political leaders to, on some sordid occasions, the very parents, have abdicated their responsibility to the young lives under their care. In the case of the aforementioned grooming scandals, the excuse for gutless complicity was fear of being dubbed “racist”. In the case of the trans grooming, it’s fear of being labelled “homophobic” or “transphobic”.
But, better late than never, some of the worst offenders are finally being held to account. Britain’s Tavistock Clinic, which did so much to promulgate the “affirmation model” that saw thousands of young boys and girls surgically and chemically mutilated, probably permanently, is being hit with a barrage of lawsuits. The NHS is trying to duck for cover by closing Tavistock and breaking up its operations into regional clinics, but the lawyers are coming for them, still.
Another that’s running for cover is “Mermaids”. From being an unassailable ogre of trans grooming, Mermaids is suddenly covered in ignominy. Its once legion of celebrity supporters are scrubbing all mention of Mermaids from their social media feeds (vainly forgetting that The Internet is Forever).
Now its own CEO is scurrying for the shadows.
Farewell Susie Green, the CEO of Mermaids, a charity that describes itself as supporting ‘trans, non-binary and gender-variant children, young people and their families’.
Green resigned rather abruptly on Friday, and the statement from its chair was short and to the point. An interim CEO will be appointed in due course.
Perhaps the most satisfying part of the long-awaited comeuppance for these creeps is that the crusade is being led, not by the whacky religious right, but from within the “LGB community” itself. Many gay people, and not a few trans, are aghast at what is being done in their name — and they’re fighting back. “Gays Against Groomers”, a “coalition of gays against the sexualization, indoctrination and medicalization of children under the guise of ‘LGBTQIA+’” has attracted over 140,000 followers on Twitter, and appeared on nationwide US news.
Scott Newgent, a “Transman Fighting To STOP Childhood Medical Transition”, recently tweeted:
The LGBT has allowed perverts, predators to take our commuity.
Gays/Lesbians, it is our responsibility to fix what we have allowed our community to become.
This travesty of grooming; transing kids is our fault & our responsibility to fix
Fight the Rainbow With The Rainbow.
The Mermaids tried to fight the rainbow fighting the rainbow with the rainbow, with the rainbow. It ended up as a veritable Clown World catastrophe of infinite regression.
Mermaids has found itself under scrutiny after deciding to bring a case against the LGB Alliance, the only UK-based organisation that focuses exclusively on same-sex attracted people. Mermaids claims it was not, in fact, established to support lesbians, gay men and bisexuals — but rather to discredit and disband trans charities like itself. The outrageous claims and questions by Mermaids witnesses and counsel during the tribunal, such as asking if lesbians can have penises, and suggesting that the term ‘same sex attraction’ is ‘exclusionary’, has led to many individuals asking hard questions about the organisation.
And getting some pretty astonishing answers. Green — who has no medical knowledge or training — has boasted of taking her teenage child to Thailand for transgender surgery (surgery that would now be illegal under Thai law). That was just one of the scandals under her leadership.
For starters, there was the scandal of Jacob Breslow, a trustee of Mermaids who made a dramatic exit when it was uncovered by a journalist that he was a child abuse apologist. Then there was the fact that 14-year-old girls were being sent breast binders in the post, without the consent or knowledge of their parents […]
There have been child data-breaches, and an ‘admission’ by two Mermaids witnesses in court that, they ‘haven’t read the Cass Review’, which says the current clinical model of a single specialist Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at the Tavistock, much praised by Mermaids, was no longer appropriate.
Then there is the fact that Mermaids chatrooms often referred families to online clinics, such as that run by Helen Webberly who was suspended by the GMC; as was her husband who also ran the clinic after his wife’s suspension […]
Prior to her appointment as CEO, Green was promoting puberty blockers for very young children.
Green explicitly endorsed puberty blockers for children as young as nine. Mermaids also peddled the notion that children as young as two could have a gender identity.
Richie Herron, one of the victims of the child-gender-surgery craze, is scathing.
‘Young gay men and women are being butchered in the name of “trans healthcare”’, he says.
As Julie Bindel rightly says, the trans craze of recent years will surely, in the very near future, “go down as the biggest medical scandal since Thalidomide”.
Every single person who was involved with or promoted groups like Mermaids must be held accountable.