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The White Clots Story Is Here to Stay

This science team agrees humanity must be made aware of this awful consequence.

Photo by Roger Starnes Sr / Unsplash


In a major advance, a newly declared international team, Society of Scientists, have hypothesised the chain of causation of the rubbery white clots being reported in some mRNA vaccinated people since the rollouts began. Their results and preliminary conclusions provide an understanding of the fact of these strange structures. They are preparing a scientific paper. The background is accelerated deaths (especially vascular) and disability in all heavily vaccinated countries, for which the consistency of evidence is strong and increasing. Many photos like these are easy to find now.

White Clots 01
Image captured for criticism/review and reporting current events under Fair Dealing – The Copyright Act 1994

However, before proceeding further, and because the implications may be overwhelming, we must point out:

  1. NZDSOS has been trying to alert authorities about serious problems with the government jabs, including these white clots, every step of the way, all fully documented at
  2. Because of poor quality control and major batch variabilty many people might not have met harmful doses. However, we echo the many international calls that everyone must quit the government jabs.
  3. It seems these abnormal clots were predictable and clearly evident to the manufacturers who tried to design around the known hazards. Available clot-busting drugs do not work to treat them.  
  4. Medical staff and patients are coming forward to show these ‘calamari clots’ are produced during life, not after death which was hoped initially. 
  5. They may produce no symptoms at all, or not until advanced stages. There will be microscopic and intermediate stages to their formation. 
  6. The aggressive censorship of conscientious and knowledgeable doctors – co-ordinated and worldwide – has been partly responsible for the general public being unaware of mounting evidence of harm. Public officials take the view that any lies are justified in order to keep the people calm. Now that their Russian roulette experiment has back-fired so badly, they can’t possibly ’fess up, and are trying to lie their way out of trouble and covering up.
  7. This can’t be solved as long as government and industry ignore and censor the problem. We, the people, have to take back science, media and political processes. 

Please Don’t Shoot the Messengers, But Humanity has Been Assaulted.

The Society of Scientists is mostly anonymous, for obvious reasons, but the following video is the first formal presentation, featuring one of them, polymer chemist Greg Harrison. Because some of the chemistry may seem dense we will summarise towards the end of this article. 

The team has published a long-form explanation of some of the science they hypothesise and the experiments to prove it. This must be shared widely to generate awareness and discussion. There are many references to support their conclusions, and a ‘proper’ scientific paper is in planning. Background research demonstrates the link between nano- and viral-engineering and clots e.g., here, here, here and here.

A mainstream physician, Dr Philip McMillan, makes a very considered, inquisitive and sober response here.

A Brief Recap

We have been speaking out on unusual things about the jab and how it behaves when mixed with human blood since September 2021, after international researchers published their first investigations and chemical analyses of vaccine samples. 

We started our own investigations and tried to hand results to government officials at the end of January 2022, but several hours before an agreed meeting, Crown lawyers told the invitees not to attend. Our legal advice was that our findings could represent contamination or tampering and we could be potentially criminally liable if we sat on evidence of this, so we had no choice but to put the evidence into the public domain. We did this by reporting directly to a parliamentary health select committee in session, and posting online that we had done so. Understandably this brought some personal and professional consequences, but our hands and consciences were clean.

Some months later we reported a number of potential jab deaths to the police, from a rapidly growing list that we felt were not being properly investigated. The police claimed a threshold for risk to public health was not reached and refused to take it further (and have remained silent to every open letter, pointing out the increasing risk to public health, that we have included them in since). 

On June 23rd 2022 we first posted on strange white rubbery clots being reported by embalmers, particularly Richard Hirschman in the US. 

In September we interviewed NZ funeral director and embalmer Brenton Faithfull and he confirmed Richard’s findings. Brenton had seen many deaths within two weeks of vaccination in 2021, and estimated that around 30 per cent of bodies he embalmed had blood vessels blocked with long, rubbery, sticky white clots, a first in his lifetime career and all starting after the rollout. More recently we spoke to him and three others, all validating their common experiences. 

Ever since, as is clear from our open letters on many concerns, we have been informing all decision makers relentlessly, including all Australasian medical colleges. The silence has been revealing and depressing.

A large survey done recently in the US by ex United States Air Force (USAF) Major Tom Haviland showed 70 per cent of responding embalmers now are seeing these clots. We have seen confirmatory correspondence between Tom and the heads of several state mortician associations and a medical specialist who subsequently was silenced. Whistleblower health workers have been featured on Dr Philip McMillan’s excellent site. Around this time we were approached by a patient whose post-operative surgical drain was showing exactly the same structures. That these were forming in lymph, not blood, provided further clues for a team of scientists who had convened and were working hard to understand the formation.

After several more months of deep dive research, fund-raising for lab testing, and finding other experts with key insights to complete the puzzle, this science team agrees humanity must be made aware of this awful consequence of the deceptively titled Operation Warp Speed, especially as many other modified RNA injections are planned. When people understand the full scale of what has been done to billions of people, this ‘mad science’ modified RNA platform will likely never see the light of day again, nor will many of the other tools queueing to enslave humanity, as they become clear to people. These include digital ID, facial recognition, mass surveillance, jab passports, central bank digital currencies, One Health and Net Zero (with the human biomass as the threat to be reduced).

However, a full dawning realisation of what has been taken from many people – the human right to create a healthy, happy life – will not be pretty and some independent and social media commentators, bloggers and interviewers are struggling with the clot story. Their responsibility to tell the truth to humanity vies with the instinct to run and hide from the implications.

Summary of the Video

Greg Harrison presents evidence that ingredients in the lipid nanoparticles (which encapsulated the supposed modified RNA destined to produce spike protein inside the cells) may trigger an abnormal clotting process, possibly at the moment that these nanoparticles fuse with the membranes of the cells that line the blood vessels into which the vaccine is taken up randomly. This process has many aspects but particularly involves the element phosphorous and the clot precursor protein fibronectin.

These starting clots may initially be tiny conglomerates, free in the blood stream, which can anchor at sites of inflammation – which inevitably are provoked when the immune system attacks the spike proteins as they are poked back out through the blood vessel walls after production. Or the clots can be initiated at this point. Once attached at the site of inflammation in a blood vessel wall, a self-perpetuating process of polymerisation occurs, with replicating protein structures binding tightly together in an ever-increasing mass.

Electrochemical charges, blood flow, and the lack of the usual platelets and red cells in the clot substance, keep the clot growing downstream in the centre of the vein or artery, decreasing blood flow. This may not produce any symptoms as the blood is still flowing around the clot, but eventually an important blood vessel may block enough to cause symptoms or even death.

Detailed analysis of the protein composition is mostly complete. These are known human proteins but triggered to act harmfully by the presence of artifical lipid nanoparticles, possibly the induced spike protein and tin, an industrial metal that accumulates in humans, especially via PVC water pipes. Tin strongly boosts the crosslinking of the clot subunits, which explains the structure and behaviour of the ‘finished product’.

Curiouser and Curiouser…

Of note, some vials examined around the world have shown NO elements consistent with biological material, e.g., RNA and DNA, so the recipients won’t be making any of the alleged spike protein. It is entirely possible that those of us seeking explanations of all the death and injuries are barking up a wrong tree, if we stick to investigating only what the drug companies say is in their injection products. Remember, there are undeclared ingredients in the jabs that could be augmenting the harmfulness of the lipid nanoparticles. Clearly, there are multiple versions of the approved recipes. The procurement contracts allow for this around the world. So the microscopic structures evident since 2021 might be involved in the various types of excessive clotting, too. Take your pick of mechanisms, basically.

In a likely panicked response, there is a sudden rash of new mainstream science papers, curiously, acknowledging that excessive clotting IS part and parcel of Covid-19’s infamous spike protein. But they continue to deny or ignore that jabbed people manufacture far more of this artificial spike protein than any escaped virus would expose them to (presuming a still normal immune system).

Three of these ’fess-up studies are profiled in this edition of the excellent Covid Medical Network news site. They are about halfway down, past articles about the jabs destroying the microbiome, Florida Health Dept advising doctors NOT to recommend further Covid jabs, and Robert F Kennedy Jr confirming the whole shebang was a military operation (where all civilian agencies were rendered irrelevant. This element of theatre from our own public and political decision-makers has always seemed obvious to us, and others). 

Any which way, it seems we are living in a sick old world which has tampered with the blood of billions in a disastrous way, and we ourselves must create the space to move forward and find a solution as quickly as possible. 

Brave doctors like John Campbell and Philip McMillan will keep investigating these painful subjects because it is the right thing to do, but their grateful viewers should not sit about waiting for a few individuals to achieve a miracle. It needs a mass movement to regain control of our lives.

Send this post and/or video link to all you care about and everyone you think has responsibility for this almost unimaginable situation.

This article was originally published by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science.
