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The WHO Must Not Be Allowed to Take Charge

It’s really annoying when a viable but frequently unreliable alternative to the MSM attracts public attention but fails to properly prepare and dispense reliable information.

This week Sean Plunket made a complete arse of himself during his interview with Kirsten Murfitt by inviting her onto his show and shouting at and interrupting her. Plunket wasn’t familiar with the facts of her petition, dragging out his favourite chestnut that she is a ‘conspiracy theorist’.

Why invite her in? Does Plunket have an undisclosed brain injury or is his behaviour the more likely result of Covid Derangement Syndrome clouding his thinking?

Murfitt had a hard job explaining to the unprepared Plunket the good number of reasons she had for pausing implementation of the International Health Legislation of 2005 on “global agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response” which, without intervention, will become legally binding for New Zealand on the 1st of December this year.

Plunket says New Zealand handled the Covid pandemic very well; it must annoy the heck out of him that NZ First is negotiating for a comprehensive investigation into our Covid-19 response to replace the inadequate and superficial whitewash planned by the previous government.

In 2019 we sat like stunned mullets, calculating our chances of being one of the unlucky 80,000 who Jacinda Ardern and Ashley Bloomfield warned would die in New Zealand’s Covid-19 pandemic. We watched footage of people dropping dead in the streets of China and Italy, Trump purchasing hundreds of ventilators and countries setting up temporary morgues for the bodies of those who didn’t make it. No treatment and no cure, please go home and stay safe while we wait for the life-saving vaccine to be developed. Some scurried home and hid under their beds.

Covid was a horror movie played out in real life, but if we followed our leaders’ instructions to the letter we could be one of the lucky ones. Maybe.

The WHO was instrumental in the Covid pandemic and their backroom boffins have not been sitting on their hands since. No, indeed they’ve been signing up countries to hand over the authority to declare a global or regional health emergency to the WHO.

Opponents say that once declared, unelected and unaccountable officials in WHO will have the legal power over democratically elected governments to dictate and control health measures in response, which may include the implementation of vaccine passports, lockdowns and mandates.

Petition to Reject WHO Pandemic Amendments

Andrew Little signed New Zealand up because, well, the WHO did such a good job last pandemic didn’t they?

Not every New Zealander is so keen. The NZDSOS endorsed Murfitt’s petition to the government to push pause on Little’s commitment and we have a small window of opportunity until the 1st of December. Sign the petition here.

Still not convinced? Here’s my list of red flags to indicate hitting pause has more upsides than downsides to waiting until we are better informed before deciding to proceed:

Red flag number one: Economic – New Zealand won’t recover from the economic carnage of Covid pandemic restrictions for years and certainly well after the WHO takes over the economic decision-making in future pandemics.

Red flag number two: Government – our new government might be the same as the old government. There’s no guarantee it won’t fall into the same fear-mongering trap that hamstrung the last government when presented with – not the facts – but computer-generated excess deaths data modelled by a publicly unaccountable academic boffin.

Red flag number three: Public policy – Dr Ashley Bloomfield was Director General of Health during Covid and is now the first professor of a new Public Policy Impact Institute at the University of Auckland’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. He assured us all through Covid that we were doing the right thing and is still directing public policy on health. While there are many questions still to be answered on our Covid strategies, Bloomfield is not the independent thinker we need to evaluate future decision-making when the final results are in.

Red flag number four: The UN is corrupt. WHO is the health arm of the UN. Our UNRWA donations to Gaza are given to Hamas who make rockets to fire into Israel. The Human Rights arm of the UN appointed an Iranian delegate to chair its next human rights meeting in Geneva. Iran’s history of human rights abuses includes throwing homosexuals off buildings and stoning women accused of adultery to death. In Iran, moral clarity is muddied by the antisemitic and misogynist views of religious leaders.

Red flag number five: The Medical Council of NZ stood down doctors who refused to abandon their primary duty of care to the patient in favour of adopting a novel ‘vaccine’ and experimental anti-viral medicine. It censured New Zealand doctors prescribing cheap and established drugs for Covid treatments as were being used overseas.

Red flag number six: The public needs to understand the implications of legally handing over the decision-making in a future pandemic to the WHO. They also need to know the health implications of the lack of treatment and vaccination advice dished out to the public during the pandemic when the efficacy and long-term effects were not yet known.
